Tuesday, March 25, 2014

5th Sunday Stay is THIS WEEKEND!

Do not forget that 5th Sunday Stay is this weekend for all Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd graders! Kid'z Zone will resume during 10:45 am service April 6!

And don't forget that the Easter Devotions will be available on Palm Sunday!

TGP Family Devotion- March 23-March 29, 2014

Volume 7 Adult/Kids Connections (SPR 2014) 

Unit 19: Session 4: Daniel Was Rescued from the Lions 
Daniel 6 

Christ Connection: God showed His power to rescue Daniel from the lions, but Daniel was just a small part of a much bigger story. God ultimately rescued us from a much bigger problem—sin and death—through His Son, Jesus. 

Adult Connection Point: 
All of us have been far, far away from God’s family; every one of us was once an enemy of God in need of reconciliation (Col. 1:21). Sin keeps us from God. However, God sent His Son Jesus Christ to obtain an eternal rescue for us through His blood. In order to properly love our neighbors, we first must be reconciled with God. For the love we share with one another flows directly out of the fountain of love that we ourselves 
have been shown—an unconditional, uncompromising agape love that selflessly gives itself away without the promise of return. God deserves the best, and we ought to offer praise gratefully and joyfully, not out of duty and obligation. 

Voices from the Church 
“We are reconciled first to God in Christ, then to one another in covenant community, and third to what God is doing in the renewal of all creation.”  —Matt Chandler [Matt Chandler and Jared Wilson, The Explicit Gospel (Wheaton: Crossway, 2012), 144.] 

Family Devotion: 
If Dad is up for it, act out this story by letting him play Daniel while the kids are lions. Direct the kids to practice their best roars before starting. Mom can play the part of the angel and stop the lions from getting to Daniel anytime she holds up her hand. 

Choose one of your kids to retell Daniel 5. Ask, “What were some reasons the other leaders did not like Daniel?” The governors and supervisors were jealous of Daniel. They knew he loved God and that King Darius favored him. Yet, Daniel did not care what man thought, he only wanted to please God. No one was going to tell him he could not pray to his God even if it meant his life. 

Remind your children that God knew where Daniel was and what the supervisors and governors had done to him. Yet, God loved Daniel and rescued him from the lions. He miraculously shut the lions’ mouths, and Daniel walked away untouched. Daniel trusted and was saved by His God. In the same way, we are rescued from our sins and death when we trust in Jesus. 

Pray, thanking God for saving each believing member of your family from sin and death. Ask Him to reveal Jesus to those who do not yet know Him.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Kid'z Zone Reminders!

Some Kid’z Zone Reminders!
·      Don’t forget that Kid’z Zone is only for children currently in Kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade. 3rd-5th graders remain in worship.
·      Sunday, March 30, it 5th Sunday Stay so all KZ students will be staying in 10:45 worship for the entire time!
·      The Great Egg Race is on for all of our children! Do not forget to bring in your filled plastic eggs for the race to 4,000 eggs! Sign them in at the Welcome Center with the number of eggs, your child’s or your name, and the grade!
·      Gospel Project Cards have gone home for this quarter. If your child did not get a set of Gospel Proejct Cards, please see Elizabeth Horne.
·      Easter 2014: This year, we are offering Easter Devotions to every family to do the entire week of Holy Week. These fun devotions will feature a craft that coordinates with devotions. Everything you need will be in the Easter Devotion Kit. Add to your craft culminating in Easter Sunday at BBC! Post pictures of your family devotions each day for your children to be entered for a special Easter Surprise! You can tag Ballardsville Baptist Church, BBC Kids of Ballardsville Baptist, or Elizabeth J. Horne on Facebook or send us your pics via Twitter with @BallardsvilleBC or @elizabethjhorne. Pick up your Easter Devotions on Palm Sunday, April 13. (Please only one per house!)
·      Easter Sunday Egg Hunt: Don’t forget to make your calendar for the 2014 Easter Egg hunt after 10:45 am service on April 20, Easter Sunday. All children through 5th grade are invited to attend!

TGP Family Devotion for 3/16-3/22, 2014

Volume 7 Adult/Kids Connections (SPR 2014) 

Unit 19, Session 3: God Gave Daniel Wisdom 
Daniel 5 

Christ Connection: God used Daniel's wisdom to get the king's attention about his pride. The king acted like he was better than God. God humbled the king. Jesus humbled Himself by dying on the cross for our sin. God raised up Jesus and gave Him honor. When we humble ourselves and trust in Jesus, God will raise us up too, and we will be with Him forever in heaven. 

Adult Connection Point: 
It’s the kindness of the Lord that will lead us to repentance, not merely His majesty. How is God’s kindness demonstrated? In His provision of protection. God has made a way for us to be protected from His own righteous wrath and to pay for sin that would keep us out of heaven. 

How much money do you think it would take to cover the United States in one-dollar bills? If you guessed 1 trillion dollars, you’d be way off. It would take 886 trillion dollars; that’s 2.8 million per person in the United States. That’s a lot of green! What would you do with 2.8 million dollars? 

According to Ephesians 1:7-8, we are even richer. God has lavished all His wealth on those who are redeemed by the blood of His Son. Just imagine! The God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Ps. 50:10) and all the storehouses of heaven is saying that His wealth is yours. In fact, the riches that you possess in Jesus Christ—on earth and in heaven—are so encompassing that the sum of them can never be accurately calculated. 

When we trust in Jesus Christ, who has been slain for us, we have everything we need forever!! Take a look: “We have redemption in Him through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding.” 

Family Devotion: 
Materials: glove 

Give a glove to one child and direct him to print a word in the air using one finger from the gloved hand. Direct the rest of the family to guess the word. Continue the game until everyone has had a chance. 

Recall the story then ask, “What did the words MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN mean?” God gave Daniel the wisdom and understanding he needed to uncover the meaning of the words. Because Daniel worshiped and obeyed God, God revealed to him that Belshazzar would soon die because he had not humbled himself before God, thus the kingdom would be taken over by two other nations. 

Ask, “What was Belshazzar's main problem?” Belshazzar had a problem with pride. Pride is simply exalting oneself to a high position, in this case, above God. His other problems included using the silver and gold containers for parties and worshiping foreign gods. Belshazzar did not learn from king Nebuchadnezzar’s mistakes, thus, God had to humble him, too. 

Remind your kids that Jesus is the example we want to follow. He humbled himself to death on a cross—always following God’s plan for His life. When one humbles himself and trusts in Jesus, God will raise up that person. 

Bow down, humbling yourself before God, asking Him to help your family trust Jesus in all circumstances so you can live with Him forever in heaven. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Holy Week Family Craft! And Special Prize Giveaway!

This year in celebration of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus, BBC Kids is giving you a special way to celebrate with your family! 

Each child will receive a package on Palm Sunday, April 13,  in Sunday School, Discovery Club, or Kid'z Zone. Inside you will find devotions for the entire week and a craft to work on together as a family. As you work on your craft and do your family devotions, take pictures and send them to our BBC Kids Facebook page, @BallardsvilleBC on Twitter, or you can tag Elizabeth Horne via Facebook. For every picture you post (one per day of the project), your children will be put in a drawing for a prize giveaway!

Winners will be announced on Easter! 

Make sure you and your children enjoy this time of family fun and devotion this Easter Season! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Discovery Club/Kid'z Zone Newsletter-March 2014

·         Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone Reminders:
o   Discovery Club is for 4 year old Preschoolers.
o   Kid’z Zone is for children currently in Kindergarten, 1st, or 2nd grade. 3rd graders and above stay in worship. Please help us by not sending your older children to Kid’z Zone.
o   Toys: We’ve had an increase in toys being brought to both Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone. Teachers have everything your child needs during these extended sessions. Please do not bring toys to children’s church. They are a distraction to our children.
o   Food: We have many children with life threatening food allergies. Please do not send children with food of any kind to children’s church to help protect our students with allergies.
o   Behavior: We want Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone to be a safe, fun, and exciting environment where our children can grow deeper with Christ in an age appropriate way. Recently, we have had an increase in horseplay that can cause our children to get hurt. And we’ve had a rise in disrespectful and rude behavior towards our leaders and other children. Help us by encouraging your children to listen and be respectful during Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone. We are excited to have so many children in our groups, and we thank you for helping us maintain an environment that is safe and enjoyable for everyone especially the volunteers who prepare to teach each week!
·         THE GREAT EGG HUNT 2014!:  It is time to start collect Easter Eggs again! When you bring in your FILLED PLASTIC EGGS, you will sign them in on the Great Egg Race Sign in Sheet. You will be put your name, child's grade, and number of filled eggs. The class with the most filled eggs will be specially recognized on April 16 at a pizza party!!!! Let the Great Egg Race BEGIN!
·         Holy Week Family Devotions: Next month, Holy Week Crafts and Family Devotionals will be going home with each child in BBC Kids. This craft and daily devotionals are for you to use with your family from Palm Sunday, April 13, culminating in Easter Sunday. We encourage you to add to your craft every day, and post what you are learning to our Facebook, BBC Kids, and our Twitter, @BallardsvilleBC, #BBCKids. Everything you need for the craft and devotionals are included in the pack so make sure you take your family Easter devotions home during Holy Week!
·         The Gospel Project: We started a brand new quarter of the Gospel Project today! So that means your child should have gotten special Gospel Project Cards to take home! If you didn’t get a set of cards, please see Don Wright, Elizabeth Horne, or any Sunday School leader to get your set of cards! These cards are great to use with our weekly family devotions that are posted to our blog, http://bbckidsofballardsvillebaptist.blogspot.com/. We post devotionals for you and your family to continue the conversation each week at home!
·         VBS 2014: VBS is looking for their Truth Force Leaders to lead at the International Spy Academy VBS July 20-24 from 6:00-8:30 pm! All curriculum is in so see Elizabeth Horne to sign up to lead at VBS 2014.