Monday, March 25, 2013

We need YOU this Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you ready to help minister to our Easter Egg Hunt Guests?

The eggs are in...We met our goal of over 2,000 eggs...2,555 eggs to be exact. But we still aren't ready for the 2013 Egg Hunt!

Since we are doing things a little differently this year by having the hunt on Easter Sunday, we need willing workers to meet, greet, and be site managers after 2nd church on Sunday, March 31.

What is a site manager?

A site manager is assigned an area. We have divided the BBC campus into age appropriate sites. We need leaders to be at each site to keep children from beginning the hunt before the siren.

Once the hunt begins, it won't last longer than 20 minutes. What a great time to stand a speak to our parents who are watching their kids? Introduce yourself. Welcome them to BBC and be friendly! How easy is that?!

We currently need site managers for the following areas

2&3-1 volunteer
Preschool-2 volunteers
Kindergarten-2nd-2 volunteers
3rd-5th-1 volunteer

If you are a leader in Awana, Sunday School, or a parent who would like to help, please email as soon as possible so we can make sure all sites are covered for the Big Day! We will meet briefly at the end of Sunday School to discuss stations!

We also need photographers who will take pictures of our families and kids, and will turn in digital copies of the pictures to the BBC office.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call the office at 502-222-9165.

Elizabeth J. Horne
Minister to Children
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Numbers 6:24-26

Easter Gospel Project Help for BBC Kids (Week of 3-24-13)

Unit 7, Session 2: Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection
Matthew 26:36–28:10
Christ Connection

The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is the center of the gospel. We deserve to die because of our sin, but Jesus died in our place. He was the blood sacrifice made once and for all for the forgiveness of sin. God was pleased with Jesus’ sacrifice and raised Jesus from the dead to reign as King over all creation. We are forgiven only through Jesus. (Acts 4:12)

Adult Connection Point:

“Christianity is in its very essence a resurrection religion. The concept of resurrection lies at its heart. If you remove it, Christianity is destroyed.” –John Stott

If death is defeated, our disobedience has been dealt with. Earthly judges condemned Jesus to the cross, but the Judge of heaven vindicated Jesus by raising Him from the dead. When we trust the verdict of God over the verdict of men, we too are vindicated along with Jesus. His life is our life. His obedience is counted as our own (Luke 24:3649).

Family Devotion:

Materials: Bible, Song from Family App

Read Matthew 27:3356.

Ask: How does this story make you feel? Why do you think God planned for His Son to die his cruel death on a cross?

Read Matthew 28:117.

Ask: If you were one of the disciples, would you have believed you were seeing the risen Jesus or doubted? What would make you believe or not believe? Assist your child in looking up and reading the following Scriptures: Matthew 28:6; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:12; John 20:37.

Ask: What can we know for sure is true from each of these passages?

Say: Jesus died on the cross for each of us so we would not die because of our sin. But He did not stay in the tomb. Jesus rose from the dead and is alive today. Jesus’ sacrifice was once and for all—for you and for me. When we trust in Jesus, we are forgiven and can have a personal relationship with our holy God through Jesus Christ.

Celebrate our risen Savior by singing and dancing to “Luke 24:4647” on the family app.

Pray and thank God for sending His Son to die on the cross for our sins. Thank Him for raising Jesus from the dead!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Palm Sunday Children's Participation Needed

The Music Ministry would like to include children from preschool through 5th grade this Sunday in a celebration of Palm Sunday. Children will be dismissed from Sunday School at 10:20 am, and will participate in the opening portion of the 10:45 am worship service. They will wave palm branches along with the choir and praise team's opening music. Then, they will be dismissed to their parents.

If you do not want your child to participate in this event, please let your child's Sunday School teacher know. Otherwise, all children in Sunday School in the above ages will be dismissed to participate in the worship.

If you have any questions, please contact Neal Green, Minister of Music,

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

TGP Parent's Help-3/13/13

Unit 8, Session 1: The Israelites Crossed the Jordan River

Joshua 3–4

Christ Connection:

God told Joshua and the Israelites to set up memorial stones to remember what God had done to bring them into the promised land. On the night He died, Jesus told His disciples to remember the sacrifice He was going to make to save us from our sins. When Christians take the Lord’s Supper, they remember God’s plan to destroy sin through Jesus’ death and resurrection. (1 Corinthians 11:26)

Adult Connection Point:

The King has come (John 1:1418).

The most staggering Christian claim is that Jesus of Nazareth was God made man. Through the miracle of God becoming man, we see who God is and what He is like. The greatest display of the glory of God in Christ would be His death, burial, and resurrection (John 12:2728).

Materials: Bible, box or container with a lid

Read Joshua 3:24,1417.

Say: After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, it was finally going to happen. The Israelites were going to enter the land promised to Abraham. Again, God stopped the waters as He did at the Red Sea, and the Israelites walked across on dry land while the priests stood in the middle of the Jordan.

Read Joshua 4:17.

Ask: Why did God want Joshua to take up 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan? What did these stones mean to the people?

Say: As soon as the priests stepped out of the Jordan, the waters flowed freely again. God did this so His people would know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and that we might always fear Him. The memorial of stones was a reminder to the people of this mighty God.

Ask: What do we do at our church to remind us of why Jesus died on the cross?

(We take the Lord’s Supper.)

Give each family member time to think of his personal “memorial stone.” It could be a special verse, something God provided, a picture, etc. Tell your family members to go get the items and put them in the box. Allow each person to say why he chose it. Leave the box in a well trafficked area and use it as a way to tell visitors about what Jesus has done for your family.

End your devotion in a time of prayer. Thank God for sending Jesus to save us from our sin. Ask God to help your family remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us in His death. Thank God for Jesus’ resurrection, which is how we know that God accepted His payment for our sins.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Great Easter Race 2013

The Great Easter Race 2013

                Easter is coming March 31, and we are having a HUGE Egg Hunt after Easter Services. Our BBC Kids Sunday School Classes will be collecting FILLED Easter Eggs for the Hunt.

             The Sunday School Class with THE MOST FILLED Eggs will win a class pizza party in April! Please label your eggs by putting your child’s grade on the bag they are brought in! All eggs need to be filled with candy and at the church by Palm Sunday, March 24. Our church-wide goal is 2,500 eggs!!!!!

             Then, on Palm Sunday, March 24, the children’s class with the most first time visitors will also receive a party! So invite your friends to friend day on March 24!!!

Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone Children's Church Newsletter-March 2013

·         The Gospel Project: A new session of The Gospel Project for Kids will begin in March 10. Your child will be receiving new Gospel Project cards for the upcoming session. These cards are handed out in Sunday School at 9:30 am. If you child is not involved in a Sunday Morning Small Group, we encourage you to jump into one of our classes. If you have not received a set of cards and would like cards for your child, please email These cards are vital to helping your child learn the Biblical truths we teach every week, and are designed to engage you, as a parent, into leading your child through the Bible in 3 years.

·         Easter Egg Hunt: Our Easter Egg Hunt will be March 31, 2013 after the Easter Service Worship. We need eggs stuffed with candy! Our goal this year is to have 2,500 eggs filled before March 31! Be generous with your donations as we reach our community this Easter.

·         Discovery Club Needs YOU: Our Discovery Club Rotation is in need of some new leaders especially in the Month of March. We need teachers to teach the Gospel Project (Super Simple to Teach).  If you can commit to teaching once every two months and you love children, DC is the place for you! The following dates are needed for the month of March.

Ø  March 10

Ø  March 17

Ø  March 31-Easter Sunday

·         “I’m a Christian Now!” : If your child needs the “I’m a Christian Now!” Discipleship class, please contact Elizabeth Horne. We are looking to offer another session of the course as soon as the need is there.