Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone Newsletter-February 2013

Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone Newsletter-February 2013

·         Awana Derby Workshop: Awana Derby Workshop is Feb 9 from 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm. Please sign up for a slot to have your child’s car cut for the Derby on March 2. If you have any questions, please see Brian Stivers or Drew Thomas.

·         The Gospel Project: A new session of The Gospel Project for Kids will begin in March. Your child will be receiving new Gospel Project cards for the upcoming session. These cards are handed out in Sunday School at 9:30 am. If you child is not involved in a Sunday Morning Small Group, we encourage you to jump into one of our classes. If you have not received a set of cards and would like cards for your child, please email These cards are vital to helping your child learn the Biblical truths we teach every week, and are designed to engage you, as a parent, into leading your child through the Bible in 3 years.

·         Up to Date Information: Check out for all the information about everything Children’s Ministry including links to our blog and Facebook page!

Easter is coming: Easter falls early this year, March 31! Here is what you need to know about Easter 2013 with BBC Kids!

o   March 3: 5th Sunday Stay on the 1st Sunday…Easter Sunday falls on our Kid’z Zone, 5th Sunday Stay. Therefore, instead of the 5th Sunday Stay on March 31, we will have it on March 3! There will be NO KID’Z ZONE ON MARCH 3!

o   Guest Reception: Invite your friends to the Guest Reception on March 24 after the 10:45 am service.

o   Easter Sunday: March 31 is Easter Sunday Morning. This Sunday is the most likely time that visitors will be coming to BBC and into the Children’s Ministry. We want to put our best foot forward. Consider serving this Easter Sunday in Infant Nursery, Toddler Nursery, Discovery Club, or Kid’z Zone!

Awana Derby Workshop 2013

On February 9, there will be an Awana Derby Workshop so that our Awana students can have their cars cut for the derby. The Derby Workshop will last from 1-4 pm on Saturday, Feb 9, in the Mission’s Garage. In order to accommodate the most students possible, please sign up for a 30 minute time slot and come with a drawing or idea of how you would like your car to be cut. Each slot of 30 minutes has room for 4 students. You can register with Elizabeth Horne at ***

***Please no cars used previously. Each student is encouraged to make a new car each year.


Awana Derby 2013

Join our Awana Clubs for our 3rd Awana Derby! Everyone can come race their derby cars on our track. Winners will receive a trophy, and every child will have a chance to vote on the coolest car! If you have any questions, please contact Brian Stivers, Awana Commander,

WHO: All children in Awana, their parents, and leaders.
WHEN: March 2, 2013 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm in the Family Life Center.
WHERE: Ballardsville Baptist Church; 4300 S. Hwy 53, Crestw
ood, KY 40014
WHAT: Ballardsville’s Awana Derby Grand Prix. Popcorn and drinks will be provided.

*Parent’s if you would like to race, the cost of a Derby Car kit is $5.00. Please see Brian Stivers, Awana Commander, for your kit.


Gospel Project Parent's Help: Week of January 30

Unit 6, Session 1: God Gave the Ten Commandments

Dear Parents,

Count to 10 with your kids. Ask them to name one rule that you follow in your house. Ask and see if they know why they have that rule. Help your kids see the importance of rules for keeping order. Ask what they remember about the story they heard in The Gospel Project for Kids about God giving the commandments.

God had redeemed His people from slavery in Egypt. People who have been redeemed demonstrate their love for the Redeemer thorough obedience. By giving the Ten Commandments, God showed His standard for holiness. But the people could not obey the commandments perfectly; God used the law to show that people needed a Savior. God provided that Savior ultimately through the person of Jesus Christ.

Unit 6, Session 1: God Gave the Ten Commandments

Exodus 19:1–20:21; 31:18; 32:1-35; 34:1-9

Christ Connection

God made a covenant with His people: If you obey Me, you will be My people. (Exodus 19:5-6) But the people did not obey God. They sinned against God, and Moses asked God to forgive them. Moses acted as their mediator, or advocate, before God. When we sin, Jesus is our Mediator. Through Jesus, we are forgiven of our sins. God is pleased with us because He looks at Jesus, who never sinned.

Adult Connection Point:

Psalm 51:1-5: Confessing Our Sin. The psalmist knows that it’s God’s faithful love and compassion that are his only hope for forgiveness when God’s law has been transgressed, not his clean track record. And where has God’s faithful love and compassion been revealed most fully? In the death of Jesus on the cross, our Mediator. Jesus took on that punishment so that we are now free to say “Wash away my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. For I am conscious of my rebellion, and my sin is always before me” (vv. 2-3).

Family Devotion:

Supplies Needed: Bible, timer/sand timer

Open your Bible to Exodus 20. Quiz your children on how many commandments they can remember before the timer stops. Try again until they can say all ten.

Ask: Who thinks they can keep all Ten Commandments?

Read Exodus 19:5-6.

Say: God promised the Israelites if you obey My commandments you will be My people among all the other nations. But the Israelites did not obey. In fact, the idol they made specifically broke the second commandment. God had said, “Do not make an idol.”

Read Exodus 32:7-14.

Ask: What did Moses ask God to do?

Say: Moses interceded for the Israelites. Moses acted as a mediator between God and the Israelites. Jesus did they same for us. He never sinned, yet, He took on our sin so we wouldn’t have to be punished. When God looks at us, we are forgiven because of Jesus.

Thank God for giving us Jesus our mediator. God shows us love and compassion.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Imagine Conference Ministry Retreat 2013

Do not forget that Imagine is coming up on Feb 8-9. The cost is $50 which covers the hotel,  conference fee, and breakfast on Saturday Morning.

Whether your congregation already has a thriving children’s ministry or is just starting out, you will find inspiration and education at the Kentucky Baptist Convention Imagine Preschool & Children’s Ministry Conference.

Join leaders from every walk of children’s ministry … from pastors to parents … for a fresh, visionary look at how to minister to children.

In addition to hearing our guest speakers including Jeff Slaughter, participants can select from a variety of breakout sessions, browse the expo and make new vital ministry connections.

5:30-6:30 p.m.Registration
6:30-8:00 p.m.Main Session
8:15-9:15 p.m.Breakout Sessions
9:15-10 p.m.Come to the Expo! Vendors will have resources on display in the fellowship hall. You will have access to the products, curricula and services from conference!

8:30-10:00 a.m.

Main Session
10:15 – 11:15 a.m.Breakout Sessions
11:30 – 12:30 p.m.Breakout Sessions
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.Come to the Expo!


Breakout Sessions

Each session offered once on Friday and twice on Saturday.
Just a few of the break out sessions that will be offered:

  • Using Amazing Science Experiments to Teach God’s Word
  • Blending Church and Unchurched Kids
  • 25 Simple Ideas for Empowering Parents
  • Interactive Learning with Children
  • Revolutionary Story-telling
  • Hosting a Father/Daughter Ball
  • Story-ing the Bible for Preteens
  • Family Ministry? Where do I Begin?
  • Wednesday Night “Paloza”
  • A Preview of LifeWay’s VBS 2013 “Colossal Coaster World”
  • Managing Behavior in the Classroom
  • Mission to Ministry for Children
  • Recruiting. Investing, Training and Unleashing Volunteers
  • 10 Curriculum Ideas for Wednesday and Sunday nights
  • In Credible Preschool Ministry
  • The Amazing Bus Ride Experience
  • Drop Missions in Anywhere
  • Story-telling with Preschoolers
  • Shepherding Children
  • Parents Night Out for the Down and Out
  • Small Church Children’s Ministry
  • Project 58:10
  • Communication with Parents
  • Games that Teach

This is going to be a great time of retreat, rest, and fellowship among our BBC Kids Leaders!

I hope you will join us for this exciting conference. Money and RSVP is due Feb 3. Please make checks out to Ballardsville Baptist Church, Memo Line: Imagine. Please turn all funds into the office and not the offering.

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth J. Horne, Children's Minister,

Gospel Project Parent Help-Week of January 21

Unit 5, Session 4: The Israelites Crossed the Red Sea

Dear Parents,

After being slaves in Egypt for hundreds of years, the Israelite people were finally free. It sure didn’t take them long after they left Egypt to start complaining about their circumstances! Think of a time you have faced difficult circumstances and you didn’t respond the way you should have. What could you have done differently?

Trapped between a great expanse of water and an approaching army, Moses again—by God’s help—led the Israelite people to victory. God used Moses to part the waters, allowing His people to walk through on dry ground. Imagine the scene. Pretend with your kids that you are standing on the banks of the sea when it begins to split apart. Talk about what you would be feeling. How would the air smell? How would the ground feel?

God created a way for the Israelite people to escape the harsh treatment of the Egyptian taskmasters. Just as God provided a way of salvation for His people from Egypt, He does the same for His people today. God provided physical salvation for the Israelites, but today, He offers spiritual salvation through the person of Jesus Christ.

Unit 5, Session 4: The Israelites Crossed the Red Sea

Exodus 13:17–17:7

Christ Connection:

God created a way for the Israelites to escape the Egyptians. In the same way, God planned the way for people to escape the penalty of sin. God’s Son, Jesus, is the only way to get to God.

Adult Connection Point:

God will rule an unlikely people through an unlikely king (2 Sam. 7:18-24). God made a covenant with David (2 Sam. 7). David’s response in v. 19: “What You have done so far was a little thing to You, Lord God, for You have also spoken about Your servant’s house in the distant future. And this is a revelation for mankind, Lord God.” David also witnessed to the truth “Nothing is impossible for God,” even promising and fulfilling a future King from David’s descendants, who would be Jesus.

Family Devotion:

Supplies Needed: Bible, paper, pencil, “I Am Yahweh” song from Family App
Gather your family and discuss different plans to escape from your house in case of a fire. Walk from room to room planning an exit. Think about what items you would take before leaving. Perform a drill to see if it works. Write the plan out so everyone remembers the escape route.
Read Exodus 13:21; 14:8-27.
Say: The Israelites were between an approaching Egyptian army and the Red Sea. You could say they were between a “rock and a hard place.” When the Israelites looked both directions they saw no way out and became terrified and cried out to God.
Ask: What did God do for the Israelites?
Say: God miraculously delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians. He not only delivered them, but wiped out the entire army of Pharaoh! When it seemed like there was no way to be delivered from sin, God sent His Son, Jesus. Jesus was sent to rescue us from our sin and wipe away it all—an even more miraculous deliverance.
Make up your own deliverance song or sing “I Am Yahweh.” Read Exodus 15:1-3 together as a family. Praise God for delivering you from sin.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Gospel Project: Parent's Help for Week of January 13

Unit 5, Session 3: Passover

Dear Parents,

This session of The Gospel Project for Kids dealt with the final plague God brought upon the Egyptians. This story has a clear message regarding the importance of Christ and His presence with people. Talk with your kids about the events of the Passover. Ask them to think about how they might have felt if they were living in Egypt during that time. Moses led the people to honor God, and by so doing, the people of Israel were saved from the hand of the Egyptians.

This week your kids learned that God rescued His people from the hands of the Egyptians by the shedding of blood. The sacrifice of a lamb for the blood to go over the doorpost was the only thing that kept the family inside safe from the wrath of God. God provided a much more important lamb for us, Himself—the Lamb of God. Through the shedding of Jesus’ blood, we no longer have to face the punishment of eternal separation from God because of our sin. Jesus died so we wouldn’t have to.

Unit 5, Session 3: The Passover

Exodus 11:1–13:16

Christ Connection:

By His grace, God spared the Israelites from judgment by requiring the blood of a lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. His death was the ultimate sacrifice, and those who trust in Christ are under His saving blood and will be passed over in the final judgment.

Adult Connection Point:

The Adult lesson covers the Books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. In these books we see the people of Israel turn away from God and experience His discipline. One lesson becomes very clear: All people sin and fall short of God’s righteousness and glory. We need something more than the resources we find inside of us. We need something from the outside—God’s grace. God’s grace is evident through His sparing the Israelites during the Passover; God’s grace is realized in His sparing His people through the sacrifice of Jesus.

Family Devotion:

Supplies Needed: Bible, large blanket or sheet (a red one is best)
Set the blanket on the floor. Have each family member stand at the end and jump from the longest end of the blanket to the other side, making sure no one can jump over the blanket from a standing position. Now place the blanket over your family as a tent.
Ask: How many plagues happened in our last Bible lesson? How many more are there?
Read Exodus 11:1-5.
Say: All people sin and need of God’s grace. None of us could jump all the way over
the blanket. In the same way, none of us can have a relationship with a Holy God
except through Jesus. No matter how hard we try, we can’t “get” to God because of our sin.


Read Exodus 12:21-30.

Say: God protected the Israelites that night by passing over them. When the Lord saw
the blood over the doorframes of their houses He passed over and saved them. This
was not true for the Egyptians. They received God’s discipline and all their firstborn
children died. In John 1:36 Jesus is called the Lamb of God. It is Jesus’ blood that cover us now so we can receive God’s grace.
Lead your family in a prayer of confession. Thank God for sending Jesus, the Lamb of God, who covers our sins with His blood.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Welcome back to Awana 2013!!!!

Welcome back to Awana at BBC Kids! In the month of January, Awana students will be collecting supplies for Mr. Dell Schultz who works with the Ilongots of the Philippines. Mr. Schultz is a member of BBC, and will be traveling back to the Philippines on January 31! While there, Mr. Schultz will be teaching the Ilongot tribal Church leaders, overseeing the progress of dorm construction project in the lowlands for the Ilongot students to stay in, and will be bringing a finished translated Ilongot church songbook to be printed and dispersed to the various villages.
In order to help provide the needs of the Ilongots, our clubs will be each collect the following from January 16-30. Please bring these items to your child’s leader on Wednesday Nights.
Cubbies-collect pencils, pens, erasers
Sparks - collect band aids and antibiotic cream
T&T - collect spray and aspirin
Thank you for supporting missions through our Awana Program! We are excited about this upcoming year, and DON’T FORGET, JANUARY 16 IS BRING A FRIEND/SNACK NIGHT!

The Gospel Project Parent Help for Week of January 6

Unit 5, Session 2: Moses Confronted Pharaoh-Taught in BBC Kids on January 6.

Dear Parents,

The Gospel Project for Kids journeyed back to Egypt today. This thrilling story led Moses back to Egypt to confront Pharaoh, who was unwilling to bow to the request that Moses made on behalf of God. Do you think it is likely that Moses knew the Pharaoh who was ruling since he grew up in the household some 40 years earlier? How would that change this story? Can you help your kids see how God is using the little baby from last week’s story in a new way?

Moses confronted Pharaoh but met strong, hard-headed opposition. God, however, had prepared Moses for this encounter with Pharaoh, and Moses knew the outcome. Moses continued to move forward despite the opposition. Share with your kids a time where you faced opposition in your life but you remained faithful to God. Did it work out for His glory?

This week, help your child identify times it may be difficult to be completely obedient to God. Through Moses’ obedience, God saved the Israelites from slavery. Read Hebrews 3:3. Jesus is greater than Moses, and Jesus’ perfect submission to God’s will provided the salvation that we needed.
Unit 5, Session 2: Moses Confronted Pharaoh

Exodus 5:1–6:13; 6:28–11:1

Christ Connection

: God called Moses to be His servant. He was a great servant
who obeyed God and led the Israelites out of slavery. The Bible says that Jesus is
greater than Moses. (Hebrews 3:3) Jesus was a servant who obeyed God perfectly and
suffered to free His people from sin.

Adult Connection Point:

The law is a reflection of God’s holy character (Lev. 19:1-2;
Deut. 6:4-5). As the one true God, Yahweh is to be obeyed perfectly. We are to be holy
as He is holy (Lev. 19:1-2). However, we cannot live up to that standard; Moses could
not live up to that standard. We need a solution. We need something — or Someone,
to be more precise — to atone for our sin and failure. Jesus did just that: He was holy
(Lev. 19:1-2); He loved the Lord with all His heart, soul, and strength (Deut. 6:4-5).
Jesus can free His people from their sin.

Family Devotion:

Supplies Needed: Bible
Ask your family what they think a servant is and does. Challenge them to think of a
time this past week where they served someone or someone served them. Allow each
member of the family to share her servant story.
Read Exodus 5:1-2; 7:6.
Say: Moses did what God asked him to do. He sometimes lacked confidence and even
questioned God, but he kept going back to Pharaoh, telling Pharaoh what God said.
However, Moses was not perfect. He sinned like every other man/woman on earth.
Read Leviticus 19:1; Hebrews 3:3.
Say: God is holy and our sin separates us from Him. Since all of us sin, none of us are
holy—not even God’s great servant, Moses. Only one man never sinned and that Godman
is Jesus. Because He was sinless He provided a way for us to have a relationship
with a Holy God.
Ask: Who remembers the first 9 plagues God sent on the Egyptians? (Skim Exodus
Act out a few of the plagues and then thank God for making a way through Jesus Christ
to Him, our Holy God.

Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Year Challenge...

This Sunday marks the very first Sunday of the 2013 year. With the holidays that have come and gone, some have resolved make those New Years Resolutions. The gyms are packed, people stop eating out, some resolve to save more money, and others make the decision that this year will be different.

I was working at Adventure Club when I got a copy of their church newsletter. It is something I read every month because I'm good friends with both the Children's Minister there and the Pastor's family. Both of which have influenced my ministry to children, and Mrs. Gerri, the PW at Simpsonville, is exactly the kind of Ministry wife I hope I can be some day for Caleb.

Recently, I have been studying Children's Ministry Leadership Styles through a book called, Lead the Way God Made You-Larry Shallenberger. (A book I'm hoping to use in our upcoming Sunday School Leadership Meetings.)  I've discovered through doing this study on Godly leadership that one of my favorite ways to lead in ministry is to observe other ministries. That didn't really surprise me since my favorite thing to do is find out and observe how other folks do Children's Ministry or Ministry in general. You can learn a lot about how to do or how not to do things...Actually, it was through observing Calvary Baptist Church and Jon Hoovers' ministry with CBC Kids that the rough start to our Gospel Project was quickly changed. (And those handy rings that we put the cards on also come from the Hoover Dude.)

 Usually, I skim through the articles of the Simpsonville Newsletter and hit the Children's Ministry section to see what Shari Thompson is doing in Awana or over the summer. Love to see how God is moving in our Sister Churches. However, Pastor Steve Boyd's article caught my attention almost immediately. This was most likely to do with the fact that children was mentioned in the first sentence.

I would like to share his article with you.

"I affirm our parents in their desire to worship regularly with their children. The Bible encourages us to gather together as the body of Christ and the family of God. We, as a church family, should support the Spirit-filled nurture of our children corporately through worship, ministry and fellowship. I desire to be a church that welcomes and wants families with children of all ages. In fact, much of what we do as a church is geared toward families with children.

I had the opportunity to clean the auditorium (gym) and straighten the chairs after the December 23rd worship service. As I cleaned the auditorium, I picked up at least 25 remnants (probably more) of candy. It may have been wrappers and it may have been the remnants of candy itself. I realize it was Christmas Sunday and many of our teachers gave gifts of candy to our children (preschool thru 5th grade) and students (sixth thru 12th grade) during Sunday School. I was a bit appalled because I would presume the parents would surely pick up the trash or, better yet, teach their children to do so.

I have been contemplating addressing some needed areas of concern for some time. I would like to challenge our parents to evaluate some different methods in caring for and in teaching our children during their time here. The foundational premise for the challenge is the inherent need for all of our children and students to learn and grow in discipline and respect. Now before you cut me off, please know there is NO one set of parents to whom I’m referring. This is a parent group challenge! All of us parents can benefit from examining our leadership and parenting in our family.

Please consider other areas of possible parent discussion. I hope you will feel free to engage these thoughts and to challenge me on them.

1) Encourage your children and students to use the restroom before worship. We have a revolving door of children and students going to the restroom. Encourage them to use the restroom, even if they say they don’t have to. Much of this same repetitive restroom usage is also occurring during Sunday School.

2) Engage your children in worship. Encourage your children to worship with you and allow them the
opportunity to sing, give, read and listen with you. Model worship before them.

3) Teach your children and students how to focus and listen. Many parents have forgotten that much of listening is a learned and acquired trait.

4) If your children and students become disruptive, please move them to the foyer, if needed.
They may be disrupting someone who is searching for spiritual guidance that day.

5) Help your children and students understand the difference between quiet time and play time, between talking time and listening time, and between loud voice and quiet voice.

6) Monitor your student’s behavior and presence. Some are leaving worship and can be found sitting in the church foyer. Students are generally harder to reach with the Bible truth the farther they sit from the one speaking. I have been blessed by the attention of the students currently sitting in the front of the auditorium.

I pray you have taken this challenge to parents as intended. I have a deep love and reverence for the family and the parenting of children. I want the church to be helpful to you in your journey. Please share with me how we can support you."                                                                                                                                                        Steve Boyd

Wow! What a challenge. Can we at BBC Kids accept this challenge? Will we help our children focus in worship by going to the bathroom before Sunday School, Children's Church, and Worship? Or not getting up to get a peppermint or crayons? Will we model worship before them? Not allowing toys to come from home, and leading them by example. There is no better time to start!

Make this a New Years Resolution that we all keep. The spiritual development, worldview, and understanding of your child is too vital not to engage them in every aspect of church life from a young age! How will they know if we don't teach them?

A very long time ago, someone told me, "Mrs. Elizabeth, church just isn't entertaining enough for my kids."

My friends, this isn't a show. Worship and deep theological study isn't just for adults, and it isn't one way. Church isn't a stage and an audience. It is a lead worshiper and other worshipers. It is interactive. We aren't here to be entertained. We are here to have a conversation with the Father. How can we help our children who are inundated with video games, electronics, and 5 year olds with iPhones? We model for them, lead them, and teach them now. To quote Pastor Boyd, "Engage your children in worship. Encourage your children to worship with you and allow them the
opportunity to sing, give, read and listen with you. Model worship before them."

This challenge hit me hard. Something I need to work on as well as I am preparing for Kid'z Zone this week, I hope you will prepare your students as well.

What will we lose if we fail to lead this generation?

Elizabeth J. Horne

Thursday, January 3, 2013

BBC Kids Update-January 2013

·         Awana 2013: Awana begins on January 9. Bring a friend night is January 16. We are also in need of some help with our oldest group of clubbers, 3rd-5th. If you are interested in helping lead this wonderful group of students during our second term, please let Elizabeth know.

·         Prayer Forums: Over the course of January, the church will host several prayer sessions and question forums about the new service times that have been proposed. We cannot go forward as a church if we do not seek God on the decisions that must be made. Please make plans to join us with any questions or concerns you have about the new service times and as we pray for God’s guidance.

o   January 6: Prayer and Forum at 6:00 pm

o   January 13: Review from KBC on BBC’s Property and how to continue growth. Business Meeting at 6:00 pm.

o   January 22: Prayer and Forum at 7:00 pm.

·         Imagine Conference: All BBC Kids Leaders and Parents are invited to attend a Leadership Retreat to Imagine in Bardstown. Imagine is Preschool and Children’s Ministry Conference hosted by the KBC. Imagine is February 8-9, and the cost is $50 plus meals due February 3. Please make checks available to BBC.

·         CentriKid Fundraiser: February 17 is our CentriKid Spaghetti Fundraiser. Please make plans to attend and support our 3rd-5th graders as they prepare to go to camp this summer.