Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Awana Awards Night is May 22 at 6:00 pm

Exciting things for Awana Clubs in May 2013

TGP Parent's Help week of 4/21-4/27

Unit 8, Session 4: The Defeat of Ai

Joshua 8

Christ Connection:

The Israelites were under a covenant in which their obedience was directly related to God’s presence with them. We are under a new covenant through Jesus Christ, who took the punishment for our sin on Himself. Because of Christ, we are in right standing with God. We are victorious over our enemies because of our faith in Christ (Romans 8:37).

Adult Connection Point:

Works are not the cause of salvation, but they are the fruit of salvation. They do not precede our justification by faith alone through grace alone, but they certainly result from the decisive act of God in our lives. God’s people are constituted by grace alone through faith in Jesus alone (Gal. 2:1521).

They are marked by faith in Jesus alone that results in good works.

Family Devotion:

Materials: Bible, interlocking bricks (two different colors to represent Ai and Israelite soldiers)

Take a few minutes before your devotional to build a small city of Ai out of interlocking bricks. Set some interlocking bricks aside to use as soldiers during the story.

Say: The Bible story today takes us back to the city of Ai. Does anyone remember what happened the last time the Israelites tried to attack Ai? (See Joshua 7.)

Read Joshua 8:12.

Ask: What was different about this battle from the first time they attacked Ai? (See Joshua 7:3.)

Read Joshua 8:322.

As you read, position the Israelite soldiers in and around the city of Ai.

Ask: Why was this battle against Ai successful and the first one was not?

Say: The Israelites did not obey God’s plan during the first battle of Ai. Achan sinned. This time, however, the Israelites obeyed the Lord’s specific instructions on how to attack Ai, and they won the battle. We cannot earn victory over our enemies by obedience only. Once we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the battle has been won. When we trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will want to obey Him because of what He has done for us. Faith in Jesus and obeying Him will reap great rewards.

Pray and ask Jesus to help you obey God’s commands. Thank Him for winning the battle over our enemies through Jesus Christ.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

VBS Countdown!

Are you ready for VBS 2013? Make sure you sign up to be a part of the VBS Staff through Elizabeth Horne at

VBS 20137-21-2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

TGP for the week of April 14-April 20

Unit 8, Session 3: Achan Sinned

Joshua 7
Christ Connection:

The punishment for Achan’s sin was death. It seems harsh, but the Bible says that the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23) Because we sin, we deserve to die too. Jesus came to die in our place. When we confess our sins and trust in Jesus, we are forgiven and saved from spiritual death.

Adult Connection Point:

Jesus’ miracles signified His identity as the promised Messiah (Luke 7:1823).

As Jesus pointed out to John the Baptizer, one of Jesus’ miracles was raising the dead, proving His authority over the enemy of death, which is ultimately the result of sin. The Messiah conquers sin and death in His death on the cross for sins and His resurrection.

Family Devotion:

Materials: Bible

Begin your devotional by performing some exercises. Think militarytype exercises. After catching your breath, begin your devotional!

Ask: What unusual way did the Israelites conquer Jericho?

Read Joshua 7:25.

Say: In this second battle the Israelites fought the usual way; however, they failed miserably. When Joshua heard the bad news, he “tore his clothes and fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the
LORD, remaining there until evening” (Joshua 7:6).

Ask: Why do you think the Israelites might have failed at this attack?

Read Joshua 6:18; 7:1,1625.

Say: God’s one command was to NOT take any of the devoted things from the defeated Jericho. Similar to Adam and Eve, Achan did the one thing God had specifically said not to do. Achan took a beautiful robe, silver, and gold and hid them in his tent. God knew what Achan had done, and the whole community suffered because of his sin. Achan died because of his sin. We don’t have to worry about dying when we sin because Jesus died on the cross for all our sins!

Ask: Is there anything we are hiding from the Lord that we have stolen from someone else or would not be pleasing to God? Think about the books, magazines, and videos you read or watch. Collect these items and trash them. If an item was stolen, return it to the rightful owner.

Pray and ask God to forgive you. Ask God to help you to honor Him. Thank God for sending Jesus to die for your sins so you can be forgiven and saved from spiritual death.

"I'm a Christian Now!" Summer Session

This class will be a special 7-week study taught during the Sunday School hour at 9:30am. Our first session will be on May 5 and we will meet every Sunday Morning. Our study will conclude on June 16.

To give you a taste of what we will be discussing, the course schedule is listed below:
Week 1: Becoming A Christian
Week 2: Following Jesus' Example through Baptism and the Lord's Supper
Week 3: Church? What's That? And Why do we go?
Week 4: Spending Time With God
Week 5: What is Worship?
Week 6: What Can I Give? (Stewardship with our time and money)
Week 7: What is Missions? Who are Southern Baptists & Why do we believe what we believe?

If you have a child in 2nd-5th grade that has become a Christian in the past year, please reserve their spot for this course by April 28! You can reserve their spot by email Elizabeth Horne at

Thursday, April 4, 2013

VBS 2013 is COMING!!! Are you in?

JULY 21-JULY 25, 2013
Once again, we will be having VBS in the evening beginning at 6 pm, Sunday-Thursday Night.
Are you still buzzing about how cool VBS was last year? Just wait until you see the amazing adventure waiting in Kingdom Chronicles.
We are taking volunteers RIGHT NOW! We need it all from Rotation Leaders to Rec Leaders! And the curriculum is in! Looking to do what you did last year? Make sure Elizabeth Horne knows you are in for VBS 2013!!!!!!!! Email her at!

DC & KZ Newsletter-April 2013

·         Easter Thank You: Wanted to give a BIG Thank You to everyone who worked, supported, and raced this past Easter Sunday. Despite the weather, the children enjoyed grabbing bags of eggs and lots of candy. Thank you to everyone who stepped up to teach our classes, work the egg distribution, and everyone who brought in the over 3,000 filled eggs!

·         THE GREAT EGG RACE WINNER: Congratulations to Don and Bambi Wright’s Kindergarten and 1st grade class for winning THE GREAT EGG RACE 2013. The K1 class brought in over 800 filled Easter Eggs, and they will be having a pizza party connection event very soon.

·         A Few Special Reminders: DC and KZ parents, we love working with your students every week. Here are a few reminders to help us make Extended Session a wonderful Christ-filled time for all students and leaders. And if there is anything we can do to help you in your walk as a parent, please let us know!

o   Toys: Please help us by keeping candy (yes, even peppermints), toys, and stuffed animals at home. Food products do not belong in Kid’z Zone due to many children with life threatening allergies. Toys are often a distraction to our students. We encourage you to keep toys at home from Sunday Morning Fun in Sunday School and Children’s Church.

o   Pick up: Please remember to pick up your child from Discovery Club (104) and Kid’z Zone (132) promptly after the 10:45 am worship service. Teachers have children who need to be picked at as well, and we ask that you respect our volunteers’ time by picking up your child. We DO NOT release children to find parents.

o   Hitting and yelling: One of our Kid’z Zone rules is we do not fight or yell. (Unless we are shouting to the Lord!) Recently, in our children’s church groups, we’ve had a few incidents with aggressive behavior. Please help us by talking to your children about keeping their hands to themselves and using nice words.

o   Bathroom Time: Please take your children to the bathroom before worship. We have many children getting up, wandering the halls, and going to the bathroom during church. We also have a huge amount of children in a constant rotation leaving DC and KZ to go to the bathroom. We would like to cut down on the distraction to our teaching time and the music ministry by encouraging our students to go before church!

o   Extra Help: Can you believe that DC is running up to 13 preschoolers each week? How about Kid’z Zone having 27 children? Isn’t that just AMAZING! And we need your help! Extended Session is looking for some “helper” volunteers. People who will come to be assistants to the teachers, take children to the bathroom, and help with crowd control. If you are willing to volunteer, please let Elizabeth know.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TGP Parent's Help for Easter Sunday's Lesson

Unit 7, Session 3: Jesus Appeared to Many People

Luke 24:3649;

John 20:1929;

Acts 1:3,911

Christ Connection:

For 40 days, Jesus presented Himself to at least 500 people and proved that He is alive. (1 Corinthians 15:38). Jesus is still alive today.

Adult Connection Point:

Peter said, “God has resurrected this Jesus. We are all witnesses of this.” The resurrection and ascension testify to the finished and sufficient work of Jesus Christ. All who belong to God because of the work of Jesus Christ receive the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence, which is not only lifegiving
and mission empowering but also permanent. The Spirit indwells those who believe in Christ, empowers believers to spread the gospel, and builds up believers into the community of faith today (Acts 2:2236).

Family Devotion:

Materials: Bible, index cards, pens

Play the “Show me the proof” game.

Give index cards to family members and tell them to write on their cards something unique they can do. Make it something that can be easily done and with minimal preparation (i.e. wiggle your ears or roll your tongue). When finished, each family member should pick a card and guess who wrote it. After guessing, say “Show me the proof.” That person then needs to do his unique trick.

Read Luke 24:3643.

Ask: What proof did Jesus show the disciples that it was Him and not a ghost? When did this reality occur?

Read John 20:2429.

Ask: Which disciple needed more proof? What proof do we have that Jesus is alive today?

Say: We have the Bible as proof that Jesus is alive, and we believe by faith. We can know that the Bible is true. When you receive Jesus as your Savior, the Holy Spirit resides in you. You will then want to tell more people about the living Christ. You can show them the proof that Jesus is alive by pointing them back to the Bible or telling them your story. We don’t need to be afraid; the Holy Spirit will give us the words to say.

Mark some Scriptures in your Bible so you can be ready to share the proof that Jesus is alive. Pray and thank God that Jesus is alive and active in your lives today. Ask Him to bring some people into your lives who need to know Jesus.