Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Discovery Club/ Kid'z Zone Newsletter-August 2013


·         AWANA Training: On August 7 & 14 from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall, there will be Awana Training for all those interested in or currently looking to serve in Awana 2013-2014. Due to the arrival of Baby Horne, Awana leadership will be tag teamed by Don Wright and Elizabeth Horne until January 2014. Cubbies Training will primarily be on August 7!

·         Awana Kick-off!: Awana will be kicking off another year on August 21 at 6:00 pm. Awana will run from 6:00 pm -7:30 pm this year. PLEASE MAKE PLANS TO PICK YOUR CHILD UP ON TIME FROM AWANA SO LEADERS CAN ATTEND CHOIR!

·         Discovery Club Snacks: With the increase in allergies all over our church, Discover Club Children’s Church will no longer offer snacks or drinks to DC students. This change will be effective on August 4, 2013. We ask that you not send any snacks with your Preschooler to church to prevent any allergic reactions.

·         Bathroom Breaks, Timing, and Breakfast: We’ve seen an increase number of students come to church with their breakfast or ask to leave Children’s Church to eat breakfast. Please do not bring breakfast, including doughnuts, into the Children’s Ministry. These items are not safe for our children with allergies and there isn’t enough to share with the other students which causes a disruption in our classes. Please try to be on time to Sunday School (9:30) and Children’s Church (dismissed from 10:45) so that your child can enjoy all The Gospel Project has to offer. Also, please encourage your students to use the restroom before attending Sunday School or the 10:45 am service. The constant in and out of bathroom breaks hinders the teaching of our Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone teachers.

·         10 weeks: I can’t believe that there are only 10 weeks until Baby Boy Horne is due. Our ministry is booming after a successful summer of camp, VBS, WOW Wednesdays, and Outreach! As we enter into the Fall and the kids are going back to school, thoughts turn to Awana schedules, Promotion Sunday, and the school year routine. As people return from vacations and summer time trips, I’m send the call out to ask for your help in Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone. A new baby means that Kid’z Zone will soon be without a teacher for 8 weeks or more. If you are willing to sub once or twice in the weeks I’m away, please contact me as soon as possible! I can train you in Kid’z Zone during August and September before my leave begins. Contact me at the church at 502-222-9165 or Elizabeth@BBCLife.org.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Gospel Project Devotion for the Week of July 28-August 3

 Unit 11, Session 5: God Made a Covenant with David

2 Samuel 7


Christ Connection: God made David a promise. He told David that every future king of Israel would come from David’s family, and David’s kingdom would last forever. God kept His promise by sending His Son, Jesus, to be one of David’s descendants. Jesus is our King who will never die; He will rule over God’s people forever.


Adult Connection Point: 

For Jesus to be one of David’s descendants, He had to be a man (Heb. 2:14-18). Over 80 times in the Gospels, Jesus referred to Himself as the “Son of Man.” In fact, this was His preferred way of referring to Himself. Not only did Jesus claim humanity with His words, but He demonstrated it with His actions too. According to the Scriptures, He grew tired (John 4:6), increased in wisdom and stature (Luke 2:52), thirsted (John 19:28), grew sorrowful and troubled (Matt. 26:37; John 11:35), hungered (Luke 24:41-43), and slept (Mark 4:38). The humanity of Christ shows that human nature was created good, but sin corrupted it. Jesus was the perfect human sacrifice for sin, and He now intercedes for us as we live for Him in the world.


Family Devotion:

Proclaim one of your children to be king or queen for the day. Allow her to make simple edicts that others should follow. Talk about the function of a king or queen. Ask: “What would make someone a good king or queen? What do you think made David a good king?”

Read 1 Samuel 13:14 aloud. The Bible describes David as someone loyal to God, or a man after God’s own heart. When you think of that description, what comes to mind? Help your children understand that someone who desires to be loyal to God is to be commended.

Ask: “Is it possible for you to live a perfect life? Do you know anyone who lived a perfect life?” Of course the answer is Jesus. Make the connection that the only way Jesus could have died in our place for sin is if He was human, but did not sin. Choose some of the verses mentioned above in the Adult Connection Point to show kids how Jesus displayed His humanity.

Pray, thanking God that Jesus came to earth as a human to die the death we deserve. Pray that your family would always desire to do things that please and honor God.



Promotion Sunday 2013


Next Sunday, August 4, is Promotion Sunday. Your child will promote and begin attending their next Sunday School Class. Rising 6th graders will attend the Youth Ministry in the FLC. Rising Preschoolers will attend Discovery Club. Rising Kindergarteners will begin attending Kid’z Zone, and rising 3rd graders will begin attending the entire 10:45 am service.
We are excited to begin a new church year in our BBC Kids Children’s Ministry.

Thank you for sharing your children with us!

Comeback Cookout!

Tomorrow at Ballardsville, we are having Casual Sunday and a special VBS presentation in 10:45 am service. After service, we will have a huge cookout with inflatables, snowcones, and a special appearance from the King's Manor Cast from VBS! Make sure you are at BBC tomorrow for all the excitement!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Vacation Bible School is Upon Us!

VBS starts SUNDAY! And it seems like things are coming together...Here is what you need to know.


July 18, 19, and 20 are decoration days. You can come and decorate your classes, but the BIGGEST DECORATION DAY is July 20 at 10:00. We will decorate the halls, walls, and finalize the Worship Center. All hands on deck.

Believe it or not, we still have a few things that need to be covered. A few extra helpers in Preschool, 2nd & 3rd, and registration are needed. But especially registration, we need someone to SELL T-SHIRTS and someone to explain the check out procedures. 

Speaking of check in and out procedures...In case you missed it, here are the rules for VBS...

VBS 2013 Check In and Check Out Procedures
Check In:
·         On the first day of VBS, every child will need to check in at the Welcome Center. On subsequent days, children can go directly into the worship center to check in with their Troupe Leader.
·         Children will receive a nametag at the start of each VBS Day and turn their nametags in at the end of each VBS Day.
·         Parents will fill out a registration form and turn them in at the Welcome Center if the child was not preregistered.
·         Every registration sheet will have a list of who can pick up the child.
·         Then, every parent will need to go to the checkout table to get a tag for their car and have all their kids signed up for checkout.

Check Out:
·         Children will be dismissed to their classrooms after closing ceremonies.
·         Parents will drive up to the shelter on the left side of the church and will be identified their number Those children will be brought to door and put in the car.
·         No child will be allowed to wander the halls.
·         No child will be dismissed without an adult.
·         VBS Teachers may pick up their child in their classrooms.

·         We reserve the right to ID anyone we do not know. 

We have 80 kids already registered for VBS. All hands on deck to pray, participate, and be excited for VBS 2013!

TGP Parent's Help for Week of July 14-20, 2013

Unit 11, Session 3: David Was Anointed and Fought Goliath
1 Samuel 16–17

Christ Connection: The Israelites were up against their toughest enemies, the Philistines. They didn’t stand a chance against Goliath, the mighty Philistine warrior. God gave David power to defeat Goliath. David reminds us of Jesus, who came to save us from our greatest enemies: sin and death. Jesus, the ultimate hero, gives us salvation and eternal life.

Adult Connection Point:
Goliath defied the armies of the living God and therefore defied His holiness. God is holy, just, and jealous. He raised up David to strike down Goliath. As Christians, we no longer have reason to fear God’s wrath. On the cross, Jesus bore the wrath that we deserve. He rescues us from the wrath to come. (See 1 Thess. 1:10.)

Family Devotion:
Materials: 2 sheets of paper, measuring tape

Position one sheet of paper on the floor. Use a measuring tape to mark a tossing line 9 feet 6 inches away from the paper. Crumple the second piece of paper and give each family member a chance to toss the paper wad so it lands on top of the sheet on the floor. If younger kids need additional help, let them stand closer to the goal. Play several rounds.

Say: “David fought Goliath with a slingshot and five smooth stones, but only one stone was needed. God helped David defeat Goliath.”

Talk about the difficulty involved in making the paper wad stop on top of the other paper. Ask how David might have felt as he approached Goliath. The Bible doesn’t tell us David’s exact feelings, but kids can surmise about how they might feel if they were David.

Say: “The Bible tells us that David was willing to confront Goliath because Goliath had spoken out against God’s holiness. David knew that God would give him the power to defeat Goliath, even though the situation was scary.”

Pray, praising God for His holiness. Thank Him for sending Jesus to take the punishment we deserve for our sin.
Unit 11, Session 4: David and Jonathan Became Friends
1 Samuel 18:1-12; 19:1-10; 20:1-42

Christ Connection: Jonathan was a true friend to David. Jonathan’s life gives us a glimpse of Jesus, the mighty friend of sinners. Jesus calls us friends. (John 15:15) He gave up His position in heaven to come down to us, gave up His life to save us, and intercedes for us before God.

Adult Connection Point:
Jesus is divine; He is God, the Second Person of the Trinity. If Christ is not divine, then He could not represent God to man and man to God as a mediator (1 Tim. 2:5). As man, Jesus is able to sympathize with us in our weakness and serve as our Great High Priest (Heb. 2:14-18; 4:14-16). As the eternal God, He is able to eternally intercede for and offer a final and full sacrifice on behalf of sinful people (Heb. 7:22-28). It is amazing that Jesus, who is God, would call us friends.

Family Devotion:
Materials: paper, pencils, your family’s favorite board game

Give each family member a piece of paper and a pencil. Invite him to think of his best friend and make a list of things he likes about that person. Ask: “What kind of qualities make up a good friend?”

Read John 15:15 aloud. Ask: “How cool is it that Jesus calls us friends? What qualities of the friend you listed does Jesus also have?”

Read Hebrews 2:14,17 aloud. Say: “The Bible tells us that Jesus was human just like us when He lived on earth. He had flesh and blood, but He never sinned. The Bible tells us that He had to be like us so that by His sacrifice we can be forgiven.” (See Rom. 8:3-4.)

Gather your family around your favorite board game and enjoy some family time. When the game has ended, talk about friendship. Tell your family members how much they mean to you.

Pray, thanking God for family and friendship. Thank Him for Jesus, the mighty friend of sinners.


THEO-Week 2 Family Devotion

Parents’ Action Plan
• Learn this week’s Q & A and Bible Verse together.

• Read the Book of Philemon with your child. Encourage
her to imagine events that might have happened before
and after Paul wrote the letter on behalf of the slave

• Ask your child to explain what it means to redeem
someone. Encourage her to describe what Jesus did to
redeem people from sin.

Q & A
Q: What is redemption?
A: Redemption is paying what is required to set someone free.

Bible Verse
But I know my living Redeemer. Job 19:25 (HCSB)

Bible Story: Paul Helps Onesimus and Philemon
While Paul was in prison, he wrote a letter to a Christian friend named Philemon. “I always thank my God when mention you in my prayers,” Paul wrote. Philemon had a slave named Onesimus. Paul’s letter hints that Onesimus ran away from Philemon. Paul helped Onesimus become a Christian. His letter asked Philemon to forgive Onesimus and welcome him back. Paul wrote that he was willing to pay for anything Onesimus owed his master: “Charge that to my account. I will repay it.”
Did Philemon forgive Onesimus for running away? The Bible doesn’t say. But Paul was confident that Philemon would obey God and treat Onesimus kindly.
—based on Philemon 1-22

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

THEO Week 1 Family Devotion

Parents’ Action Plan
• Learn this week’s Q & A and Bible Verse together.
• Read the Bible story together.
• Ask your child to describe the differences in how the two thieves in the story responded to Jesus.
• Lead yourchild to explain what it means to be justified by God
Q & A

Q: What is justification?

A: Justification is God’s act of declaring and making me right with Him—just as if I never sinned!

Bible Verse-
Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.-Romans 5:1
Bible Story: The Thief on the Cross
Jesus was crucified between two thieves. As the soldiers were fastening Jesus to the cross, He said, "Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing."

The people and soldiers watching the crucifixion insulted Jesus. They sneered, "He saved others; let him save Himself if this is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One!"

One of the criminals on the cross insulted Jesus, too. "Aren’t You the Messiah?" he asked. "Save Yourself and us!"

The second thief scolded the first one. "Don’t you even fear God, since you are undergoing the same punishment? We are punished justly, because we’re getting back what we deserve for the things we did, but this man has done nothing wrong." Then he spoke to Jesus: "Remember me when You come into Your kingdom!"

Jesus replied, "Today you will be with Me in paradise."

The thief was justified—declared "not guilty" by Jesus.

—based on Luke 23:32-43
 Family Activity Idea
Pour cornmeal or flour into a jelly roll pan or large baking dish with sides. Play a Pictionary™-style game by drawing pictures with your fingers in the cornmeal. Use words like







Between rounds, brush the cornmeal lightly with a basting brush or old paintbrush to allow for "do-overs."

After the game, comment that brushing and shaking the cornmeal completely undid the previous picture.

Discuss these questions

When you sin, is it possible to completely undo what you have done? Why or why not?
What did Jesus do to justify you and "undo" your sins in God’s eyes?
Because a Christian is justified by God, is it OK for him to keep sinning on purpose? Why or why not?

Be Crafty!
Work together to make a wooden cross magnet for each member of the family. Use these magnets to display personal items or leave off the magnets and use for bookmarks. Make extra crosses and share with friends who need to know that they can have peace through Jesus.

The Gospel Project Devotional for the Week of July 1-July 6.

Unit 11: Session 1: Israel Demanded a King

1 Samuel 8–10

Christ Connection: The Israelites demanded a king, so Samuel anointed Saul. God intended for a heavenly king to rule over them, but the Israelites didn’t trust God’s plan. God had a plan to one day send His Son, Jesus, to rule the entire world. Jesus would be the perfect King who would bring peace and salvation to the world.

Adult Connection Point:

God is omniscient (all-knowing). God’s plans are always based on His own perfect knowledge. He says: “I am God … I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: My plan will take place” (Isa. 46:9-10). God is in control in a way that is unfathomable to human reason. God’s knowledge of the future means that none of my trials or difficult circumstances are a surprise to Him. God knows me much better than I know myself. He knows the good things about me. He knows the sinful things about me, yet He still loves me. He still desires my salvation. He has always had a plan to save His people.

Family Devotion:

Materials: paper, marker, envelope

Prior to beginning your devotion, write a number on a piece of paper and seal it inside the envelope. Begin by showing your family the sealed envelope. Ask them to tell you what number you’ve written on the paper inside the envelope, but don’t reveal the answer just yet.

Read Isaiah 46:9-10 aloud. Say, “The Bible tells us that God knows all things, including what number I wrote on this paper. Isaiah tells us that God knows what happened in the past, He knows what is happening now, and He knows what will happen in the future. As humans, we only know things based on our experiences, and it is impossible for us to know what our future will look like.” 

Reveal that anyone’s attempt to figure out the number you wrote would be a guess. Tell your family what number you wrote on the paper, and then show it to them. Say: “I knew what number I wrote on this piece of paper, so I knew how this exercise would end. God knows what the future holds for each person on earth, not just those in our family. A long time ago, the Israelites demanded a king from God. They did not rely on God to guide them, and that made God sad. They did not know that God’s plan was to send Jesus to earth to be the perfect king.”

Ask your family to close their eyes and pray silently, asking God to help them rely on Him right now and in the future. Close the prayer time yourself after a few minutes.

Monday, July 1, 2013

VBS Help Needed

Believe it or not, we've got a great staff lined up for Vacation Bible School 2013. With nearly 70 workers willing to come and serve God and kids for an entire week of Kingdom Chronicles!

With everything from rec to crafts completely covered by help, we have a serious and vital need that still needs to be filled.

We need a sound crew!

This year, we are trying out the live dramas that come with VBS. Our drama team is working hard and long to build, design, act, and produce an amazing drama for our BBC Kids! It is gonna be cool. I've seen the plans and the script!

However, we don't have a sound board tech or power point tech that can be at VBS each night, every night, who can be prepared for the skits.

We need a sound board tech for each night. We need them for opening, closing, and the practice that happens between!

We need a power point tech for Sunday Night and Monday Night.

If you can come and serve in this vital roll for VBS, please contact me at Elizabeth@BBCLife.org or call 502-222-9165.

Elizabeth J. Horne
Minister to Children
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Numbers 6:24-26