Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Kid'z Zone Schedule...

5th Sunday Stay has moved to the 1st Sunday so mark your calendars!
5th Sunday Stay falls on Easter this year. So we are having our KZ 5th Sunday Stay on March 3!
There is no KZ on March 3, and KZ will resume on March 10.
Discovery Club will continue to meet on March 3. 

Most Epic Easter Ever...

We need your help to make this year's Easter the Most Epic Ever!
We need eggs filled with candy and lots of volunteers to help host the Easter Event on Easter Sunday, March 31 at 12:15 pm. (After the 10:45 am worship!)
Please bring your filled eggs to BBC as soon as possible!

Awana Reminder

TGP Parent's Help-Week of 2/13 & 2/20

Unit 6, Session 3: God Gave Rules for Sacrifice

Leviticus 1–27


Christ Connection:

The Book of Leviticus contains many rules for the Israelites, but we do not obey all the rules in Leviticus today because we trust Jesus, who obeyed the law perfectly for us. The Israelites had to make a blood sacrifice for their sin every year.Jesus sacrificed His blood on the cross to pay for our sin once and for all. (Hebrews 7:26-27) When we trust in Christ, God forgives us of our sin.

Adult Connection Point:

Leviticus tells us how God wanted to be worshiped. We need to recognize that everyone worships something. Jesus Christ is the only One worthy of worship (see Rev. 5:8-9). He is the only One worth bowing to. Every day, we are given a choice: Worship God or worship idols. Life or death. Will we worship the false desires of our own hearts (idols) or worship God as He wants to be worshiped, which is through His Son, Jesus?

Family Devotion:

Supplies Needed: Bible, paper, pencil

Tell your children to call out every rule they have to follow at home, school or church. Jot these rules down as they state them. Count the number of rules and assign each member of your family to read one of these verses: Leviticus 11:44-45; 19:2; 20:7,26.

Ask: What repeated phrase did you hear in these verses?

Say: God is holy and wants His people to be holy. Sin kept the people from approaching a Holy God. In Leviticus God gave rules to deal with the Israelites’ sins by requiring they sacrifice an animal for their sin. He required a blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. God was serious about the way to worship Him.

Read Hebrews 7:26-27.

Say: We too sin and must deal with sin before approaching our Holy God. But God provided a different way for us. We do not need to bring sacrifices because God provided one for us--Jesus. When Jesus went to the cross His blood was sufficient for all our sins for all times. When we trust Jesus for the forgiveness of our sin, God forgives us. That is the only way to approach our Holy God.

Lead your family in a time of confession. Ask God to forgive you for any sins against your family members or others. Pray, and thank God you do not have to follow all the rules for sacrifice but can trust Jesus instead.

Unit 6, Session 4: Joshua and Caleb

Numbers 13:1–14:38

Christ Connection:

Even though Joshua was not perfect, he lived a life of obedience to God. Joshua was faithful and was going to lead the people into the promised land. His accomplishments point to Christ’s finished work on the cross—defeating Satan, setting people free from sin, and making the way into the promised land of eternity.

Adult Connection Point:

God judged His people through the exile (2 Chron. 36:15-21).

In his obedience Joshua led God’s people into the promised land, yet for all the great things Joshua did, he was not perfect and he died, pointing forward to someone greater than himself bringing God’s true rest. God’s people entered the promised land but were not perfect either. As a result of their idolatry, God judged the people and exiled them from the promised land. The people needed someone greater than themselves to be right with God. Jesus is that greater Someone who saves His people from their sin.

Family Devotion:
Supplies Needed: Bible, scavenger hunt list, backyard, paper, pencil

Create a list of nature items to find outdoors. Print two sheets and divide the family into two groups. Give an allotted time then start your hunt. When time is up, share what you found on the list and any other unique nature items found.

Read Numbers 13:1-2,26-33.

Ask: What were some things the scouts reported about the promised land?

Say: For 40 days the scouts searched the land, but only 2 believed they could conquer it--Caleb and Joshua. The other 10 gave a negative report so the people wept.

Read Numbers 14:5-9.

Say: Joshua stepped up as a leader that day and told the people to not be afraid, the Lord was with them. But the Israelites did not believe God or Joshua. Because of their disobedience God kept them in the wilderness for 40 years. Joshua later took over the leadership from Moses, conquering cities and the land. But even Joshua’s accomplishments could not free the Israelites or us. Only Jesus could do that by defeating sin on the cross. Only Jesus can lead us into the eternal promised land.

Pray, thanking God for sending Jesus to defeat Satan and provide forgiveness for the sin in your life. He is alive and able to save you from your sins today.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Awana Reminders-Feb 6, 2013

REMINDER: The Awana Derby Workshop is this Saturday, February 9, from 1-4 pm in the Mission’s Garage.

You must sign up for a slot to have your car cut with Elizabeth Horne at!




CentriKid is June 9-13, 2013

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Horne.


The Gospel Project: Parent's Help Week of Feb 6, 2013

Unit 6, Session 2: The Tabernacle Was Built

Dear Parents,

Talk about your church with your kids. What makes your church unique? Do you meet in a traditional church building structure, or do you meet in a more temporary place? The tabernacle was built as a temporary structure used to worship God and to house His presence. God’s presence would lead the nation of Israel, and they would follow. Whenever His presence would stop, the tabernacle would be set up for worship.

The tabernacle in the Old Testament was the physical place where God’s Spirit dwelled as the Israelites journeyed to the land God had promised Abraham. The tabernacle gives us a clear picture of God’s desire to dwell with His people and to be worshiped by them. The word tabernacle means “to dwell.” To show in the New Testament God’s desire for dwelling with His people has not ended, He sent Jesus to tabernacle (dwell) with people on earth.


Unit 6, Session 2: The Tabernacle Was Built

Exodus 35:4–40:38
Christ Connection:

God instructed the Israelites to build a tabernacle so that He could dwell with them. God desires to be with His people. As part of His plan of salvation, God sent Jesus to “tabernacle,” or dwell with people on earth.

Adult Connection Point:

Wisdom guides our priorities and points us to Christ (Eccl. 12:13-14). The Bible talks about Jesus in different ways so we see Him for who He really is. Jesus was sent to “tabernacle,” or dwell with people on earth. He is God’s presence with us - God with us. Jesus is also our wisdom: “But it is from Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who became God-given wisdom for us - our righteousness, sanctification, and redemption” (1 Cor. 1:30). Jesus fulfills these two Old Testament concepts and many more besides.

Family Devotion:

Supplies Needed: Bible, tent (or sheets and clothespins), picture of the tabernacle (if possible)

Set up a tent outside or make a tent out of sheets using clothespins to attach the sheet to your furniture. Allow your children to plan and create the “tabernacle” as much as possible. Sit inside the tent as you do your devotional.

Read Exodus 40:1-16.

Say: God was very specific on how He wanted the tabernacle and every article in it to be built. Moses and all the workers “did everything just as the LORD had commanded.” God would not have shown up if the tent had been built differently or not according to His plan.

Read Exodus 40:36-38.

Say: God wants to be present with His people. He was pleased to live among His people. Whenever the Israelites moved, the tent moved, too. And so did God. God had another plan for us, though, a very specific plan. He sent Jesus to “tabernacle” or dwell with us. This was His plan from long ago --to be present with us.

Have you seen evidence of God’s presence in your family? Encourage your family to look for ways God is present in their lives this coming week. Thank God for wanting to live among you.