Monday, December 23, 2013
Christmas Eve Service 2013
We invite you to join us for a Family Christmas Eve Candlelight Service tomorrow night at 6:00 pm. We would love to see you and your family at this Christmas Celebration. Please know that there is no childcare for this event, and we encourage you to ring in Christmas as a family.
Merry Christmas from all of our BBC Leaders and Staff.
Numbers 6:24-26
The Gospel Project Devotion-Week of 12/22-12/28
Our BBC Students participated in the Annual Christmas Breakfast this past Sunday. However, here is a devotion for the session of The Gospel Project that we missed. All classes, SS, DC, and KZ will resume on December 29 with Josiah's Reform.
Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 17: Session 1: Micah, Prophet to Judah
Micah 1–7
Christ Connection: The prophet Micah gave Godʼs people a message of hope: a leader was coming who would free God's people. He would be a shepherd and a king. The righteous ruler promised through Micah is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Adult Connection Point: The Bible is a historical book. The events it describes took place in history. The Bible does not contain theological truths unrelated to history. History matters! We have many reasons to believe the Bible is what it claims to be—the very Word of God. Here is just one way: we trust the Bible
because of its unity. The biblical story is one grand story from Genesis to Revelation. This story unfolds through multiple plots and subplots. In the midst of all the themes, all the people, and all the stories, there is one central theme through the Scriptures—the promise and fulfillment of a messianic King who is
establishing an eternal kingdom for God. This grand story points to one Person, Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27).
In the Old Testament, Christ is promised to the people of God. In the New Testament, He arrives (Matt. 5:17-18). The detailed nature of the prophecies fulfilled in Jesus is one of the clearest signs that the
Bible is no ordinary book.
Family Devotion:
Direct your family to tell about their favorite book. Who are some of the characters? Why do they like the book? If the book is easily accessible, bring the book back to the group and show it.
Challenge your family to find the Book of Micah. (Use the table of contents, if necessary.) Then recall the story. Ask: “What wrong things were Godʼs people doing that deserved His punishment?” Micah told the people that they did not love and obey God, worshiped idols, took what was not theirs, and listened to
false prophets.
Remind your kids that God is always providing a way for His people to come back to Him. God sent Micah to warn His people of their punishment, but He also gave them a message of hope. Micah said a ruler would come out of Bethlehem, and He would shepherd the people. Jesus is the only Person who fulfilled this prophecy in Micah. Jesus is the One Micah spoke of who would free us from our sins.
Ask: “What makes the Bible different from our other favorite books?” We can know the Bible is true because it is the very Word of God. When we find prophecies spoken in the Old Testament and fulfilled in Jesus Christ, we can know the words in the Bible are true.
Pray, thanking God for sending a ruler and shepherd. Sing a Scripture song and continue to learn it throughout the week.
Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 17: Session 1: Micah, Prophet to Judah
Micah 1–7
Christ Connection: The prophet Micah gave Godʼs people a message of hope: a leader was coming who would free God's people. He would be a shepherd and a king. The righteous ruler promised through Micah is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Adult Connection Point: The Bible is a historical book. The events it describes took place in history. The Bible does not contain theological truths unrelated to history. History matters! We have many reasons to believe the Bible is what it claims to be—the very Word of God. Here is just one way: we trust the Bible
because of its unity. The biblical story is one grand story from Genesis to Revelation. This story unfolds through multiple plots and subplots. In the midst of all the themes, all the people, and all the stories, there is one central theme through the Scriptures—the promise and fulfillment of a messianic King who is
establishing an eternal kingdom for God. This grand story points to one Person, Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27).
In the Old Testament, Christ is promised to the people of God. In the New Testament, He arrives (Matt. 5:17-18). The detailed nature of the prophecies fulfilled in Jesus is one of the clearest signs that the
Bible is no ordinary book.
Family Devotion:
Direct your family to tell about their favorite book. Who are some of the characters? Why do they like the book? If the book is easily accessible, bring the book back to the group and show it.
Challenge your family to find the Book of Micah. (Use the table of contents, if necessary.) Then recall the story. Ask: “What wrong things were Godʼs people doing that deserved His punishment?” Micah told the people that they did not love and obey God, worshiped idols, took what was not theirs, and listened to
false prophets.
Remind your kids that God is always providing a way for His people to come back to Him. God sent Micah to warn His people of their punishment, but He also gave them a message of hope. Micah said a ruler would come out of Bethlehem, and He would shepherd the people. Jesus is the only Person who fulfilled this prophecy in Micah. Jesus is the One Micah spoke of who would free us from our sins.
Ask: “What makes the Bible different from our other favorite books?” We can know the Bible is true because it is the very Word of God. When we find prophecies spoken in the Old Testament and fulfilled in Jesus Christ, we can know the words in the Bible are true.
Pray, thanking God for sending a ruler and shepherd. Sing a Scripture song and continue to learn it throughout the week.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Christmas Breakfast's 5th Sunday Stay
This Sunday, at BBC, will be a special Christmas breakfast and worship in the Family Life Center. All children will have a 5th Sunday Stay this Sunday for this special service.
There will be nursery provided for ages 3 and under during this time if you choose to use it.
- Nursery for Birth-24 months will be downstairs in the FLC
- Nursery for 2 & 3 year olds will be upstairs in the FLC
We look forward to this time to worship together. Join us Sunday at 9:30 and invite your friends!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Exciting Training Offered in the New Year
There are so many exciting opportunities for training in the New Year. Make sure you do not miss a single event!
- Awana Training: There will be Awana Training for all Awana leaders on January 5, 2014 at 4:30 pm at BBC. Discussion will include the new Awana Semester, Awana Derby, and Awana Sunday 2014.
- Family Ministry Field Guide Seminar @ The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,Thursday, January 9, 2014: Chuck Sumner and Elizabeth Horne invite all of BBC's Parents and Youth & Children's Workers to attend this seminar on January 9. We will meet at the church at 8:00 am and travel together. Lunch is provided. We will return to the church at 4:30. There is no cost, but you must sign up to attend. Sign up at the Welcome Center or email Chuck at or Check out for more information.
- Imagine Children's Ministry Conference 2014: All parents and BBC Kids Leaders are invited to attend Imagine this year in Bardstown on January 31-February 1. The cost is $50 which includes the ticket and hotel room. The deadline to sign up and pay is January 22. Please make all checks out to Ballardsville Baptist Church, and sign up with Elizabeth Horne or at the Welcome Center.

Gospel Project Parent's Help: Week of December 15-21, 2013
Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 16, Session 3: Jesus Was Dedicated
Luke 2:21-40
Christ Connection: Throughout the Old Testament, God promised the arrival of a king who would redeem God's people. When Jesus arrived, Simeon and Anna knew He was the promised Messiah. Today, we have faith that Jesus is Godʼs Son. We can trust Jesus for our salvation.
Adult Connection Point: How do we know so much about the birth of Jesus?
God not only revealed Himself in creation, He chose to reveal Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ and in the written Word that testifies to Christ. How did He give us His Word? God inspired the authors of Scripture so that the very words they wrote down were the Word of God. Inspiration means that the words themselves are the words God spoke, and the human authors wrote down what God spoke. The Apostle Peter wrote that the authors were “moved by” or “carried along by” the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:19-21).
When we hold our English Bibles in our hands, we should recognize that we are the beneficiaries of selfless men and women who committed to preserve Godʼs Word by copying manuscripts, translating it into the common language, and ensuring that Godʼs people would benefit from hearing His voice. At every point in history, Godʼs Word has been protected for and provided to Godʼs people. The message of Godʼs grand plan of salvation—the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—is the same message we have today.
Family Devotion:
Materials: paper, pencils
Pretend to be scribes and print in your best handwriting Luke 2:28-32. (Give fewer words for younger members of your family.) When you are finished, exchange papers and invite others to look for mistakes.
Think about all the writers and how painstakingly they wrote down Godʼs words.
Tell your family that they can trust Godʼs Word to be true. Godʼs Word has been protected and preserved over thousands of years so what we read today is exactly as God told Moses, Luke, John, and others to write it. Even though the writers were human, they wrote exactly what God told them through His Spirit.
Unit 16, Session 3: Jesus Was Dedicated
Luke 2:21-40
Christ Connection: Throughout the Old Testament, God promised the arrival of a king who would redeem God's people. When Jesus arrived, Simeon and Anna knew He was the promised Messiah. Today, we have faith that Jesus is Godʼs Son. We can trust Jesus for our salvation.
Adult Connection Point: How do we know so much about the birth of Jesus?
God not only revealed Himself in creation, He chose to reveal Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ and in the written Word that testifies to Christ. How did He give us His Word? God inspired the authors of Scripture so that the very words they wrote down were the Word of God. Inspiration means that the words themselves are the words God spoke, and the human authors wrote down what God spoke. The Apostle Peter wrote that the authors were “moved by” or “carried along by” the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:19-21).
When we hold our English Bibles in our hands, we should recognize that we are the beneficiaries of selfless men and women who committed to preserve Godʼs Word by copying manuscripts, translating it into the common language, and ensuring that Godʼs people would benefit from hearing His voice. At every point in history, Godʼs Word has been protected for and provided to Godʼs people. The message of Godʼs grand plan of salvation—the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—is the same message we have today.
Family Devotion:
Materials: paper, pencils
Pretend to be scribes and print in your best handwriting Luke 2:28-32. (Give fewer words for younger members of your family.) When you are finished, exchange papers and invite others to look for mistakes.
Think about all the writers and how painstakingly they wrote down Godʼs words.
Tell your family that they can trust Godʼs Word to be true. Godʼs Word has been protected and preserved over thousands of years so what we read today is exactly as God told Moses, Luke, John, and others to write it. Even though the writers were human, they wrote exactly what God told them through His Spirit.
Monday, December 9, 2013
"Born" Schedule for Children (December 15, 2013)
December 15: Born-A Christmas Worship Experience at 9:15 and 10:45 am. Many of our children are participating in Born this year, and we are very proud of all of the hard work that they have put into preparing for this special morning of worship. Due to Born, our Sunday Morning Schedule is a bit different. Parents have several options on this Sunday Morning for their children. (Those singing are welcome to attend any of the following after they sing.):
Ø 9:15-10:30-Children may attend Born with their parents or they may
attend Sunday School on the Children’s Hall. Nursery is provided and Sunday
School is 2 years through 5th grade.
Ø 10:45-12:00- Children may attend Born with their parents or Preschool-2nd
grade may attend Kid’z Zone. Kid’z Zone will be having a special Christmas
“hang time” featuring Merry Larry and the
True Light of Christmas movie. Children who are in Born and are in Preschool-2nd grade may attend Kid’z
Zone late.
The Gospel Project Parent's Help: Week of 12/9-12/14 2013
Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 16, Session 2: Jesus Was Born
Luke 2:1-20
Christ Connection: The birth of Jesus is good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is Godʼs Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins and to be their King.
Adult Connection Point: See Luke 2:14,20.
When we want to know about Godʼs glory, we often try to picture something intangible. But Godʼs goodness is rooted in reality. The glory of God is most easily distinguished for us through His work. The work of God, in this case sending His Son, is the expression of Godʼs character through His perfect
execution of love and truth. We experience Godʼs glory in every activity of His work.
If you are in Christ, you are a mirror, an ambassador, a carrier of Godʼs glory. We who have been given the Spirit of God and can see “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:4) can always be in the presence of God in worship and prayer and always have Christ within us. When we turn to the Lord, we reflect His glory like Christ Himself. And we are transformed by it.
“The deepest passion of the heart of Jesus was not the saving of men, but the
glory of God; and then the saving of men, because that is for the glory of God.”
–G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945)\
Family Devotion:
Materials: mirror
Pass the mirror to members of the family and, as they look, invite them to say one thing they like and dislike.
Tell your family members to skim Luke 2:1-20 and find the number of times glory, or a root form of it, is repeated. Ask: “What do you think the word glory means?” Look up glory in a Bible dictionary or English dictionary to develop a fuller understanding.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Hebrews 1:3. According to these passages, Christ is the exact representation of Godʼs character and a carrier of Godʼs glory. Those who believe that Jesus is Godʼs Son and accept that Jesus can save us from sin, are also carriers of Godʼs glory. When the world looks at you, they should see Godʼs glory reflected in you. When we continue to follow Jesus day after day, we will be transformed more and more like Jesus.
Pass the mirror around again, and direct each person to say, “I am a reflection of Godʼs glory.” When you worship God, pray to Him, and follow Christ, more and more of Godʼs glory will be reflected in you. When Jesus was born, the fullness of Godʼs glory was revealed in Him. No wonder those who visited Baby Jesus fell down and worshiped Him, and returned home glorifying and praising Him.
Pray, asking God to reveal more and more of His glory in your family.
Unit 16, Session 2: Jesus Was Born
Luke 2:1-20
Christ Connection: The birth of Jesus is good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is Godʼs Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins and to be their King.
Adult Connection Point: See Luke 2:14,20.
When we want to know about Godʼs glory, we often try to picture something intangible. But Godʼs goodness is rooted in reality. The glory of God is most easily distinguished for us through His work. The work of God, in this case sending His Son, is the expression of Godʼs character through His perfect
execution of love and truth. We experience Godʼs glory in every activity of His work.
If you are in Christ, you are a mirror, an ambassador, a carrier of Godʼs glory. We who have been given the Spirit of God and can see “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:4) can always be in the presence of God in worship and prayer and always have Christ within us. When we turn to the Lord, we reflect His glory like Christ Himself. And we are transformed by it.
“The deepest passion of the heart of Jesus was not the saving of men, but the
glory of God; and then the saving of men, because that is for the glory of God.”
–G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945)\
Family Devotion:
Materials: mirror
Pass the mirror to members of the family and, as they look, invite them to say one thing they like and dislike.
Tell your family members to skim Luke 2:1-20 and find the number of times glory, or a root form of it, is repeated. Ask: “What do you think the word glory means?” Look up glory in a Bible dictionary or English dictionary to develop a fuller understanding.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Hebrews 1:3. According to these passages, Christ is the exact representation of Godʼs character and a carrier of Godʼs glory. Those who believe that Jesus is Godʼs Son and accept that Jesus can save us from sin, are also carriers of Godʼs glory. When the world looks at you, they should see Godʼs glory reflected in you. When we continue to follow Jesus day after day, we will be transformed more and more like Jesus.
Pass the mirror around again, and direct each person to say, “I am a reflection of Godʼs glory.” When you worship God, pray to Him, and follow Christ, more and more of Godʼs glory will be reflected in you. When Jesus was born, the fullness of Godʼs glory was revealed in Him. No wonder those who visited Baby Jesus fell down and worshiped Him, and returned home glorifying and praising Him.
Pray, asking God to reveal more and more of His glory in your family.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Looking for Great Advent Activities for Your Kids?
If you are looking for some great Advent Ideas for your family this Christmas Season, check out these awesome ideas from Children's Ministry Magazine. Print out your own Advent Nativity for your kids to decorate and discover something new about the Christmas story each day. Play the Christmas Variety Game. Or print the Spinner Prayers to help teach your child how to pray during this holiday season!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
TGP Parent's Help Week of 12/1-12/7 2013
Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 16, Session 1: Angels Spoke to Mary and Joseph
Luke 1:26-56; Matthew 1:18-24
Christ Connection: “Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). The baby Jesus fulfilled Isaiahʼs prophecy, as well as other prophecies of the coming Savior throughout the Old Testament. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus fulfilled Godʼs plan of redemption that God planned from the beginning of the world.
Adult Connection Point: A Christian worldview is developed in light of who God is and what He has done to reconcile the world to Himself. We believe Jesus is the rightful King over all the world. And this truth should necessarily influence our thinking and our actions. The more we think as Christians, the more we will have the heart of Christ. Thatʼs why we are called to summon others on behalf of the King.
The Bible consistently presents a Christian view of the world. Along the way, the biblical authors interacted with and contradicted unbiblical worldviews. We ought to be skilled in doing the same.
A mindset prevalent in the world today is that all religions are united by a common morality and ultimately lead to God, however He might be defined. Therefore, the logic goes: It is intolerant and mean-spirited to press someone to accept the claims of your faith. But this view of the world directly contradicts Christʼs teaching: “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Developing a Christian worldview of who Jesus is and why He was born into this world will keep us from being conformed to this world. (Rom. 12:2)
Family Devotion:
Materials: cardboard or paper, markers, tape
Read the assigned passages about Jesusʼ birth in Luke and Matthew. Take turns reading the passages together, two verses at a time.
Ask: “According to these passages, who is Jesus?” Kids may give several answers, but steer focus to what the assigned verses say. In these verses, Jesus is identified as Son of the Most High, Son of God, Savior, holy One, and Immanuel. Challenge family members to give the chapter and verse that verifies each answer. Write down these answers on a piece of paper.
Talk about what can distract your family and other families from keeping the focus on Jesus during the Christmas season and throughout the year. Remind your family to always go back to the Bible to find the truth about Jesus. The world will try to reason away or exclude Jesusʼ birth from the public square, but
as followers of Jesus, you need to keep the truth visible—not under a bushel.
Read Isaiah 7:14, and then give markers and a piece of paper or cardboard to each person. Recall some of the answers to the previous question, “Who is Jesus?” Print an answer or verse on each paper, and then decide on conspicuous spots you can hang your signs around the house, in the car, or at work.
During the week, discuss any conversations the signs may have prompted.
Pray, asking God to lead you to those who do not know Jesus.
Unit 16, Session 1: Angels Spoke to Mary and Joseph
Luke 1:26-56; Matthew 1:18-24
Christ Connection: “Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14). The baby Jesus fulfilled Isaiahʼs prophecy, as well as other prophecies of the coming Savior throughout the Old Testament. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus fulfilled Godʼs plan of redemption that God planned from the beginning of the world.
Adult Connection Point: A Christian worldview is developed in light of who God is and what He has done to reconcile the world to Himself. We believe Jesus is the rightful King over all the world. And this truth should necessarily influence our thinking and our actions. The more we think as Christians, the more we will have the heart of Christ. Thatʼs why we are called to summon others on behalf of the King.
The Bible consistently presents a Christian view of the world. Along the way, the biblical authors interacted with and contradicted unbiblical worldviews. We ought to be skilled in doing the same.
A mindset prevalent in the world today is that all religions are united by a common morality and ultimately lead to God, however He might be defined. Therefore, the logic goes: It is intolerant and mean-spirited to press someone to accept the claims of your faith. But this view of the world directly contradicts Christʼs teaching: “No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Developing a Christian worldview of who Jesus is and why He was born into this world will keep us from being conformed to this world. (Rom. 12:2)
Family Devotion:
Materials: cardboard or paper, markers, tape
Read the assigned passages about Jesusʼ birth in Luke and Matthew. Take turns reading the passages together, two verses at a time.
Ask: “According to these passages, who is Jesus?” Kids may give several answers, but steer focus to what the assigned verses say. In these verses, Jesus is identified as Son of the Most High, Son of God, Savior, holy One, and Immanuel. Challenge family members to give the chapter and verse that verifies each answer. Write down these answers on a piece of paper.
Talk about what can distract your family and other families from keeping the focus on Jesus during the Christmas season and throughout the year. Remind your family to always go back to the Bible to find the truth about Jesus. The world will try to reason away or exclude Jesusʼ birth from the public square, but
as followers of Jesus, you need to keep the truth visible—not under a bushel.
Read Isaiah 7:14, and then give markers and a piece of paper or cardboard to each person. Recall some of the answers to the previous question, “Who is Jesus?” Print an answer or verse on each paper, and then decide on conspicuous spots you can hang your signs around the house, in the car, or at work.
During the week, discuss any conversations the signs may have prompted.
Pray, asking God to lead you to those who do not know Jesus.
Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone Newsletter-December 2013
15: Born-A Christmas Worship Experience at
9:15 and 10:45 am. Many of our children are participating in Born this year, and we are very proud of
all of the hard work that they have put into preparing for this special morning
of worship. Due to Born, our Sunday
Morning Schedule is a bit different. Parents have several options on this
Sunday Morning for their children. (Those singing are welcome to attend any of
the following after they sing.):
Ø 9:15-10:30-Children may attend Born with their parents or they may
attend Sunday School on the Children’s Hall. Nursery is provided and Sunday
School is 2 years through 5th grade.
Ø 10:45-12:00- Children may attend Born with their parents or Preschool-2nd
grade may attend Kid’z Zone. Kid’z Zone will be having a special Christmas
“hang time” featuring Merry Larry and the
True Light of Christmas movie. Children who are in Born and are in Preschool-2nd grade may attend Kid’z
Zone late.
22: Christmas Breakfast and Worship at 9:30 am in the Family Life Center. All
children will attend the breakfast with their parents. This will be our 5th
Sunday Stay for the Month.
24: Christmas Eve Service at 6:00 pm in the Worship Center. We would love to have
your family join us for a casual Christmas Eve service to ring in Christmas
29: Sunday School will resume at 9:30 am, and Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone
will return to their normal meeting schedule. We will be picking up with The
Gospel Proejct starting with King Josiah.
I’m a Christian Now Class: We are excited to once again offer the discipleship class I’m a Christian Now for children who
have recently made a decision for salvation. WE ask that your child be old
enough to read and write before attending! The class will begin
January 12 at 9:30 am in Discovery Club and run 7 weeks through February 23.
There is no cost for this course, but we ask that you register your child with
Elizabeth Horne by January 5 so that enough materials can be purchased. Please
make every effort to have your child attend each session of this course.
Awana 2014: Awana begins on January 8, 2013. If your child is not involved in our Awana
Clubs, we invite you to join us in the new semester in the New Year!
Imagine Children’s Ministry Conference: As a parent or leader, you are
invited to attend Imagine Children’s Ministry Conference on
January 31-February 1 in Bardstown. This annual conference is an exciting look
into the world of children’s ministry and how to minister to your child and
others more effectively. The cost is $50 for a ticket and hotel room plus the
cost of your meals. Deadline to pay and sign up with Elizabeth Horne at is January 22.
Thank you to
everyone who has served and continues to serve in BBC Kids during Mrs.
Elizabeth Horne's Absence for maternity leave. She is back at BBC Kids and is looking forward to a great
Christmas Season. She has written a letter to our parents on this blogspot so
check out Stronger than Ever to get
the latest on her return to the Children’s Ministry!
![]() |
Connor James Horne |
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Stronger Than Ever...
It is an exciting time to be at BBC, and I'm glad to be back in the mix as we enter the Christmas Season. During my leave for bed rest and delivery, I tried to keep my finger on the pulse of our Children's Ministry even from home. I'm thankful for both the staffers and the lay leaders who ran with the plans I left and kept our children's ministry running strong.
There is no doubt that this pregnancy had taken me out of my "normal" circumstances and by extension, the Children's Ministry as well. I'm sure it has seemed for you, as it was for me, to be a never ending ordeal. My time away was riddled with setbacks and concerns in the final stages. The Lord provided for us so much over our time away, and the priority had to become about what was best to ensure a healthy baby. And we would endure it all again.
However, now, the goal is to not just come back, but come back stronger. As we jump head first and running forward in leading our kids. There a several things to consider as we press on towards to goal of reaching children for the Lord and training them in discipleship.
1. Bring your children: Our Children's Ministry is thriving. Continue to bring your precious gifts from God to His House. I look so forward to seeing each of them again. If you are in town over the upcoming holidays, we want to see you at BBC! And bring your kid's friends, nothing reaches parents faster than a child on fire for the Lord!
2. Be Encouraging/Be Encouraged: It is so easy to focus on the negative things of the past. Grumble about things we can't change or would have had different. The difficulties we've endured or how trying a period was can nag at us. Boy, does Satan want us disgruntled, discouraged, and hindering to the Message. Yet, the Word tells us that "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (II Corinthians 12:9a). My friends, I've endured much weakness in the past months, but the Lord's power shows brightest in the fire. He is sufficient in all things. And while this time away has no doubt had moments of frustration felt by everyone, He is the focus, and we are His Family. I am thankful for those in my church family who have prayed, brought food, and encouraged us. I have appreciated the encouragement and support.
Now, be encouraged because the Lord has done great things in the recent months. Have you seen the number of children being baptized? Have you walked the halls of Awana with over 100 in the children's ministry on Wednesday Nights? Have you heard the excitement spilling out of our young children over His Word? Have you seen the volunteers who have stood in the gap and continued the ministry?
“God will use them in his work of rebuilding, use them as foundations and pillars, use them as tools and instruments, use them to oversee his work. They’ll be a workforce to be proud of, working as one, their heads held high, striding through swamps and mud, courageous and vigorous because God is with them.”-Zechariah 10: 4-5
Our BBC Leaders have been a "workforce to be proud of!" I am honored by those who have served and are serving in my absence. You may think that your work is unnoticed, but I assure you the Lord is honored by your servant hearts. Thank you for marching onward! Great is the reward set before you.
And this brings us to our final thought,
3. Continue to be faithful in serving: My PaPa, who went to be with Jesus many years ago,would tell us that you can put your hand in a bucket full of water, pull it out and look at the hole. That is how much you are really needed and that is how much God really needs you. The fact is God doesn't need you or me. He can reach people by any means He so wishes. He is the sovereign Lord. However, He graciously chooses to use us. The fact is that none of the ministries are a one man operation, and BBC Kids is no exception. It takes so many hands to lead, teach, reach, and finger paint. As many have seen, it takes us all to do the work of the kingdom.
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."-1 Corinthians 12:4-5
I look forward to once again jumping in, stronger, harder, faster, and filled with excitement WITH YOU! Don't stop doing what you are doing. Your service is needed. You are making a difference, and the work is rewarding. We can go back to business as usual, but who wants that? There are so many exciting things on the horizon in the upcoming months. As we begin this Christmas Season and start a brand new year, join me in praying for great and powerful things to come. We are marching forward in the Lord, stronger than ever...
Elizabeth J. Horne
Minister to Children
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Numbers 6:24-26
Thursday, September 12, 2013
TGP Family Devotional for the Week of 9/15-9/21
Unit 13, Session 3: Elijah Ran from Jezebel
1 Kings 19
Christ Connection: Elijah was Godʼs prophet, but Jezebel wanted to kill him.
God was in control, and He protected Elijah. Jesus is the true and final Prophet.
People hated Jesus and wanted to kill Him. God was in control. He used Jesusʼ enemies to fulfill His plan to save people from sin.
Adult Connection Point:
Elijah was doing what God wanted him to do but it wasnʼt easy. There were
obstacles. Ever since sin entered the world, what was meant for our good has
been cursed, and our efforts at work push against a world that resists us. The
work we have to do may not be physically exhausting, but itʼs emotionally
exhausting. It may feel demeaning and useless, and it leads to a deep sense of
apathy. Fantasies ensue, in which we dream, “If I only had that job, Iʼd be
happy.” or “If only my situation were different.” Some grow bitter, feeling trapped
in their work and jealous of others. But we can only find ourselves in such a
place when weʼve lost sight of the Creator. Apart from Him, we canʼt see the
bigger purpose our work might be serving in creation. We canʼt see that our
role, even though it may be small, is good. For those who feel trapped, there is
good news. God is in control. The gospel transforms everything about our lives,
including our work. In fact, the gospel has a profound relationship with work. To Christ, we turn!
Family Devotion:
Set up an obstacle course in your house or outside that leads over, under,
around, and through different obstacles. As you begin your family devotion
guide each family member through the obstacle course. If a particular obstacle
is difficult make sure you take the time necessary to complete the challenge.
Recall Elijahʼs run from Jezebel and ask what Elijah had identified as the
obstacles to his ministry. Elijah claimed that he was the only person in all of
Israel that believed in God and that Jezebel had already killed all those who
believed in God and she was now after Elijah. Ask your family members to
identify things they may see as obstacles in their lives.
Talk about the three events that passed Elijah before God spoke to him. Recall the violent wind that went past Elijah, recall any wind storms or a heavy wind experience your family had. Talk about earthquakes that may have recently been in the news or your family experienced. Talk about fire and how destructive it can be. Remind your kids that God spoke to Elijah in a small whisper to bring him comfort and peace that can only come from God through circumstances.
Pray, thanking God for peace from Him that comes when overcoming a difficult
TGP Family Devotions for 9/8-9/14
Unit 13, Session 2: Elijah Confronted Evil Ahab
1 Kings 18
Christ Connection: Elijah called on the power of God to prove to the worshipers
of Baal that Yahweh is the one true God. By sending fire from heaven, God
displayed His great power. God would use His power years later to raise Jesus
from the dead, showing that Jesus is the Son of God.
Adult Connection Point:
Jeremiah 9:23-24: “This is what the Lord says: The wise man must not boast in
his wisdom; the strong man must not boast in his strength; the wealthy man
must not boast in his wealth. But the one who boasts should boast in this, that
he understands and knows Me—that I am Yahweh, showing faithful love,
justice, and righteousness on the earth, for I delight in these things. This is the Lordʼs declaration.”
We are not to boast in our own strength but in that we know God, the One who
raised Jesus up from the dead in power. The good news, announced and
enacted by Jesus, was that the kingdom of God had arrived. A relationship with
God was available again! Where Adam and Eveʼs sin led God to exile mankind
from Eden, the gospel leads us back home. Jesusʼ death paid the penalty for
our sin, and His resurrection paved the way to new life.
Family Devotion:
Materials: one heavy object, one light object.
Gather your family around the heavy object and—with guidance—invite each
member of your family to try and lift it. If someone struggles to lift it, encourage
him and give assistance as needed. Repeat using the light object, assuming no
one will struggle to lift it.
Read Jeremiah 9:23-24. Define the word boast as talking proudly about
Ask, “What does the Bible say people should boast in?” People should
boast in God and who He is.
Ask, “Why was it hard to lift the heavy object but not
the light object?”
Lifting heavy objects requires more power or strength.
Recall the story of Elijah calling down fire from heaven. Help your family see
that what Elijah proposed was impossible for men to accomplish. Since Elijah
knew that God is the only true God, Elijah trusted that God was going to deliver—and He did.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone Newsletter-September 2013
The Gospel Project: The
Gospel Project is kicking off a new session this week. Gospel Project Big
Picture Cards have gone home in Sunday School. However, if your child has not
received a pack of cards for this session, please see Don Wright to get a copy
for your family! The cool collectors cards are a fun way to review everything
your child has learned in Sunday School, Discovery Club, or Kid’Z Zone.
Awana: Awana is back in full
swing with all clubs meeting on Wednesday Nights. We would love for your child
to join us in Awana from 6:00-7:30 on Wednesdays. Awana Sunday is September 8
during the 10:45 am service. Everyone is encouraged to wear their Awana gear.
5th Sunday Stay:
Kid’z Zone has a 5th Sunday Stay this month on September 29. All KZ
students will remain in worship for the full 10:45 am service on this date.
Fall Festival 2013: Our
Annual Fall Festival will be October 27. We will have the entire event in the
gym including a “Table or Treat.” You can volunteer to decorate at table with
the church office. And we need lots of donations of candy. Last year, we had a
donation from a sister church, but without their help, we would not have had
enough candy for the 250-300 guest who came to our campus. If you have
questions about our Fall Festival this year, contact Chuck Sumner, Chuck will be heading up
the Fall Outreach while Elizabeth is out on maternity leave.
Note from Mrs. Elizabeth: Thank
you to everyone who has volunteered to work in Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone
during my final weeks of pregnancy and my leave after Connor is born. Caleb and
I appreciate your continued prayer and support as we go through these last few
weeks. Due to complications from the pregnancy, I have been placed on bed rest
until further notice. Pray for myself and Caleb as we trust the Lord to provide
for us during this time and pray for the baby’s safety in these crucial final
stages of development. We appreciate your prayers and help to continue making
BBC Kids run smoothly over the next several weeks.
The Gospel Project Family Devotion Week of 9/1-9/7, 2013
Unit 13, Session 1: Israel's History of Evil Kings
1 Kings 16
Christ Connection: Godʼs people asked for a king to lead them, but no king led
them perfectly. Was there any king on earth who would be faithful? God would
send a king from heaven—His own Son—who would lead Godʼs people back to
God. He would be the King of all kings—Jesus Christ.
Adult Connection Point:
Genesis 9:1-7
Everything changed in Genesis 3. The harmony of creation—a result of the
perfect, image-bearing lives of the first man and woman—turned to discord and
chaos when Adam and Eve sinned. Death and disease followed, and every
kind of evil was birthed in the hearts of men. Therefore, no leader could be
perfect. The situation became so dire that God determined to start over—saving
only one man and his family—in the story of Noah and the ark. Yet, even after
starting afresh, God acknowledged the inevitable return of evil. Even the flood
couldnʼt wash away the curse. So in this story, God reaffirmed the truth: while
things would go wrong again, His image remained in man. In His instructions to
Noah, God showed that He has a plan for the future. He cares for us and He
gave a promise to Noah in Genesis 9:7: “But you, be fruitful and multiply; spread
out over the earth and multiply on it.” God wasnʼt giving up on man. He had a
plan! And that plan was Jesus.
Family Devotion:
Guide your kids to name people who are in charge of things. For example:
Kings/queens in charge of a country, a president in charge of a company, a
captain in charge of the boat, and so forth. See how many you can come up
with. See which family member can come up with the most creative suggestion.
Ask your kids if they remember any facts from todayʼs story about the kings who
were in charge of Israel.
Recall the story of Noah and the ark. Ask, “Who was in charge of the boat that
Noah and his family were on?” God was, since He is the one who told Noah
how to build it and what to do while inside. God protected Noah and his family,
even though God knew sin would still exist in the world. Through one of Noahʼs
offspring would come the One who would ultimately deal with sin.
Ask: “Were any of the kings of Israel faithful to God?” Godʼs people begged Him
to give them a king, but no king could be completely faithful to God.
Pray, thanking God for sending Jesus to be the perfect King who would lead
Godʼs people back to Him.
1 Kings 16
Christ Connection: Godʼs people asked for a king to lead them, but no king led
them perfectly. Was there any king on earth who would be faithful? God would
send a king from heaven—His own Son—who would lead Godʼs people back to
God. He would be the King of all kings—Jesus Christ.
Adult Connection Point:
Genesis 9:1-7
Everything changed in Genesis 3. The harmony of creation—a result of the
perfect, image-bearing lives of the first man and woman—turned to discord and
chaos when Adam and Eve sinned. Death and disease followed, and every
kind of evil was birthed in the hearts of men. Therefore, no leader could be
perfect. The situation became so dire that God determined to start over—saving
only one man and his family—in the story of Noah and the ark. Yet, even after
starting afresh, God acknowledged the inevitable return of evil. Even the flood
couldnʼt wash away the curse. So in this story, God reaffirmed the truth: while
things would go wrong again, His image remained in man. In His instructions to
Noah, God showed that He has a plan for the future. He cares for us and He
gave a promise to Noah in Genesis 9:7: “But you, be fruitful and multiply; spread
out over the earth and multiply on it.” God wasnʼt giving up on man. He had a
plan! And that plan was Jesus.
Family Devotion:
Guide your kids to name people who are in charge of things. For example:
Kings/queens in charge of a country, a president in charge of a company, a
captain in charge of the boat, and so forth. See how many you can come up
with. See which family member can come up with the most creative suggestion.
Ask your kids if they remember any facts from todayʼs story about the kings who
were in charge of Israel.
Recall the story of Noah and the ark. Ask, “Who was in charge of the boat that
Noah and his family were on?” God was, since He is the one who told Noah
how to build it and what to do while inside. God protected Noah and his family,
even though God knew sin would still exist in the world. Through one of Noahʼs
offspring would come the One who would ultimately deal with sin.
Ask: “Were any of the kings of Israel faithful to God?” Godʼs people begged Him
to give them a king, but no king could be completely faithful to God.
Pray, thanking God for sending Jesus to be the perfect King who would lead
Godʼs people back to Him.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Gospel Project for August 25-31, 2013-Family Devotional
Unit 12, Session 3: Solomon’s Sin
Divided the Kingdom
1 Kings 11–12
Christ Connection: King Solomon’s sin led to the
division of Israel. Every king failed to lead God’s people perfectly. God’s
people needed a better king, a perfect king! Through David’s family, God would
send His own Son, Jesus Christ, to be King over God’s people forever. Jesus
would lead the people perfectly back to God.
Adult Connection Point:
conforms believers to His image through the work of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit
will complete God’s work in us (Eph. 1:13-14). In this passage, Paul used the
illustration of a royal seal. Paul said we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. The
Holy Spirit is an inward mark of God’s ownership of believers. The Holy Spirit
continues to work in us, keep us, comfort us, and guide us.
The day is
coming when the Spirit will complete His work in us. As believers, we have not
yet experienced the fullness of God’s kingdom. God has a plan and a purpose.
One day we will be sanctified—made holy as God intended.
Family Devotion:
empty soda bottle, water, hot glue, newspaper sheets or sheets of plain or construction
Before the
devotion, fill a soda bottle with water and hot glue the cap so it is
permanently sealed. Set the bottle aside for later.
Invite your
family members to each take a sheet of paper and tear it down the middle in one
rip. See if anyone was able to tear the paper perfectly (this should not be
possible). Say: “When Solomon sinned, God planned to tear the kingdom away from
his family. As a matter of fact, God planned to divide Israel so that only two
tribes remained in Judah and the other 10 moved north and would be called
Israel. Kind of like you tore your paper unevenly, God planned to tear the
kingdom of Israel because of Solomon’s sin.”
Ask: “How
does sin affect our relationship with God?” Encourage kids to answer.
Produce the
sealed bottle and ask one of your kids to open the bottle. This will most
likely be impossible to do because you sealed the bottle.
Ephesians 1:13-14 aloud. Say: “When a person becomes a Christian by trusting in
Jesus, God sends the Holy Spirit to make that person’s relationship with God
just like the seal on this bottle—unbreakable. God’s Spirit works in people to
comfort us, guide us, and make us like Jesus.”
Lead a
prayer asking the Holy Spirit to guide the members of your family and make them
like Jesus. If anyone in your family is not a believer, pray that God would
save him.
Discovery Club Teachers Needed
Discovery Club Teachers Needed!
The Following Dates Need DC Teachers for 2013!
September 1
December 1
December 15
December 29
Plan to serve the Lord this Fall with your gifts and talents in Discovery Club! Contact Elizabeth Horne,, to sign up for Discovery Club as we finish 2013 strong!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Awana Kick Off 2013-2014
Awana 2013-2014 Kick Off
August 21 from 6:00-7:30 pm
Registration Opens at 5:30 pm
Ages 3-5th grade
Join us for a fun kick off night with inflatables, popcorn, and lots of fun!
Please note the new ending time of 7:30. Please be on time picking up and dropping off your children.
For more information, check out
And download the Awana registration form from our website!
Thursday, August 8, 2013
The Gospel Project Devotion-August 18-24, 2013
Unit 12, Session 2: Solomon Built the
1 Kings 6:1–8:66
Christ Connection: Because God is holy, only the
priests could approach God—and only if they followed specific instructions.
Ordinary people had no direct access to the holy presence of God. Jesus changed
all that. By His death on the cross, Jesus took away our sin. We can approach
God intimately and individually when we trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Adult Connection Point:
Corinthians 6:19-20 says that our bodies are a sanctuary, or temple, of the
Holy Spirit. What does the Holy Spirit do? The Holy Spirit will not leave the
Christian alone. He promises to purify us, to clean up our mess, and to get rid
of the garbage polluting our lives. (See 1 Cor. 6:9-11.) Before we came to
Christ, we chose our own way. The only way for us to be made clean is through
the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Family Devotion:
cereal boxes, index cards or playing cards, drinking straws, or other items
that could be used for construction
Place the
supplies in the middle of a table or on the floor. Challenge your family to
build a structure that will stand on its own. Once the family builds the
structure, talk about what items make it strong or able to stand on its own.
various elements of worship. Talk about singing. Sing the key passage song from
the family app. Talk about giving. Share your family’s strategy for giving back
to God through your local church. Talk about listening to a pastor’s sermon,
which helps people understand the Bible. Encourage your kids to have a daily
time where they read their own Bibles.
Say: “In the
Old Testament, the temple was a very important place because God’s presence was
there. Churches are important today because believers meet together to worship
God there. But God is with believers everywhere. When you trust in Jesus, the
Holy Spirit is with you always.”
Finally talk
about prayer as being a part of worship. Say: “Prayer is talking and listening
to God. We can talk to God anytime and anywhere.” Invite your family to pray
The Gospel Project Devotion-August 11-17, 2013
Unit 12, Session 1: Solomon Asked for
1 Kings 2:1-4,10-12; 3:1-15
Christ Connection: King Solomon could have asked for
earthly treasures, but he asked for wisdom to lead God’s people. God created
people to do His will. Jesus provided the ultimate example by completely
trusting God with His life. Jesus gave up His own life to die on the cross for
our sins so that God could bring us back to Himself.
Adult Connection Point:
“And I will
ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever.
He is the Spirit of truth.” (John 14:16-17)
completely trusted God with His life and obeyed Him perfectly, even to the
point of death on the cross. Jesus told the disciples that the Father would
send a Counselor—the Holy Spirit—to be with them, and with us, forever. This
Spirit of truth, who gives wisdom, is in the “renovation” business. God the
Spirit is the One who is making us new. He is the One who is forming us into
the image of Christ.
Family Devotion:
paper, marker, envelope,
Before you
begin your devotion time, write the phrase Wisdom
comes from God! on a piece of paper. Place it in an envelope, and hide the
envelope in a place no one would ever look.
As you begin
your devotion, tell your family that you have hidden a message somewhere and
they need to find it. Allow them to look for a few minutes, and then secretly
tell one of your children where to find the envelope. Instruct her to bring it
back to the room.
Once she
returns with the envelope, ask her to open the envelope and read the message.
Define wisdom as “learning how to
live each day in a way that is pleasing to God.”
Say: “God
gives us wisdom to live in ways that please Him. When Solomon prayed for wisdom,
Solomon wanted God to teach him how to make good choices for the
kingdom—choices that would please God. When people have wisdom, they trust God
completely to meet their needs and to guide them on the right paths.”
Pray, asking
God to give your family wisdom. Pray that everyone in your family would use his
God-given wisdom to honor God.
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