Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Exciting Training Offered in the New Year

There are so many exciting opportunities for training in the New Year. Make sure you do not miss a single event! 

  • Awana Training: There will be Awana Training for all Awana leaders on January 5, 2014 at 4:30 pm at BBC. Discussion will include the new Awana Semester, Awana Derby, and Awana Sunday 2014. 

  • Family Ministry Field Guide Seminar @ The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,Thursday, January 9, 2014: Chuck Sumner and Elizabeth Horne invite all of BBC's Parents and Youth & Children's Workers to attend this seminar on January 9. We will meet at the church at 8:00 am and travel together. Lunch is provided. We will return to the church at 4:30.  There is no cost, but you must sign up to attend. Sign up at the Welcome Center or email Chuck at Chuck@BBCLife.org or Elizabeth@BBCLife.org. Check out http://events.sbts.edu/alumniacademywinter/ for more information. 

  • Imagine Children's Ministry Conference 2014: All parents and BBC Kids Leaders are invited to attend Imagine this year in Bardstown on January 31-February 1. The cost is $50 which includes the ticket and hotel room. The deadline to sign up and pay is January 22. Please make all checks out to Ballardsville Baptist Church, and sign up with Elizabeth Horne or at the Welcome Center.

  • VBS Training, February 7 2014: VBS Training for International Spy Academy VBS is at 10:00 am at the Creation Museum on February 7. The training is free and lunch is provided, but registration is required. Please sign up with Elizabeth Horne, Elizabeth@BBCLife.org, or in the Welcome Center. 

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