Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone Newsletter-September 2013

·         The Gospel Project: The Gospel Project is kicking off a new session this week. Gospel Project Big Picture Cards have gone home in Sunday School. However, if your child has not received a pack of cards for this session, please see Don Wright to get a copy for your family! The cool collectors cards are a fun way to review everything your child has learned in Sunday School, Discovery Club, or Kid’Z Zone.
·         Awana: Awana is back in full swing with all clubs meeting on Wednesday Nights. We would love for your child to join us in Awana from 6:00-7:30 on Wednesdays. Awana Sunday is September 8 during the 10:45 am service. Everyone is encouraged to wear their Awana gear.
·         5th Sunday Stay: Kid’z Zone has a 5th Sunday Stay this month on September 29. All KZ students will remain in worship for the full 10:45 am service on this date.
·         Fall Festival 2013: Our Annual Fall Festival will be October 27. We will have the entire event in the gym including a “Table or Treat.” You can volunteer to decorate at table with the church office. And we need lots of donations of candy. Last year, we had a donation from a sister church, but without their help, we would not have had enough candy for the 250-300 guest who came to our campus. If you have questions about our Fall Festival this year, contact Chuck Sumner, Chuck will be heading up the Fall Outreach while Elizabeth is out on maternity leave.
·         A Note from Mrs. Elizabeth:  Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to work in Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone during my final weeks of pregnancy and my leave after Connor is born. Caleb and I appreciate your continued prayer and support as we go through these last few weeks. Due to complications from the pregnancy, I have been placed on bed rest until further notice. Pray for myself and Caleb as we trust the Lord to provide for us during this time and pray for the baby’s safety in these crucial final stages of development. We appreciate your prayers and help to continue making BBC Kids run smoothly over the next several weeks. 

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