Thursday, September 12, 2013

TGP Family Devotional for the Week of 9/15-9/21

Unit 13, Session 3: Elijah Ran from Jezebel

1 Kings 19

Christ Connection: Elijah was Godʼs prophet, but Jezebel wanted to kill him. 
God was in control, and He protected Elijah. Jesus is the true and final Prophet. 
People hated Jesus and wanted to kill Him. God was in control. He used Jesusʼ enemies to fulfill His plan to save people from sin.

Adult Connection Point: 
Elijah was doing what God wanted him to do but it wasnʼt easy. There were 
obstacles. Ever since sin entered the world, what was meant for our good has 
been cursed, and our efforts at work push against a world that resists us. The 
work we have to do may not be physically exhausting, but itʼs emotionally 
exhausting. It may feel demeaning and useless, and it leads to a deep sense of 
apathy. Fantasies ensue, in which we dream, “If I only had that job, Iʼd be 
happy.” or “If only my situation were different.” Some grow bitter, feeling trapped 
in their work and jealous of others. But we can only find ourselves in such a 
place when weʼve lost sight of the Creator. Apart from Him, we canʼt see the 
bigger purpose our work might be serving in creation. We canʼt see that our 
role, even though it may be small, is good. For those who feel trapped, there is 
good news. God is in control. The gospel transforms everything about our lives, 
including our work. In fact, the gospel has a profound relationship with work. To Christ, we turn!

Family Devotion:
Set up an obstacle course in your house or outside that leads over, under, 
around, and through different obstacles. As you begin your family devotion 
guide each family member through the obstacle course. If a particular obstacle 
is difficult make sure you take the time necessary to complete the challenge. 
Recall Elijahʼs run from Jezebel and ask what Elijah had identified as the 
obstacles to his ministry. Elijah claimed that he was the only person in all of 
Israel that believed in God and that Jezebel had already killed all those who 
believed in God and she was now after Elijah. Ask your family members to 
identify things they may see as obstacles in their lives. 

Talk about the three events that passed Elijah before God spoke to him. Recall  the violent wind that went past Elijah, recall any wind storms or a heavy wind experience your family had. Talk about earthquakes that may have recently been in the news or your family experienced. Talk about fire and how destructive it can be. Remind your kids that God spoke to Elijah in a small whisper to bring him comfort and peace that can only come from God through circumstances.

Pray, thanking God for peace from Him that comes when overcoming a difficult

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