Monday, December 9, 2013

The Gospel Project Parent's Help: Week of 12/9-12/14 2013

Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 16, Session 2: Jesus Was Born
Luke 2:1-20

Christ Connection: The birth of Jesus is good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is Godʼs Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins and to be their King.

Adult Connection Point: See Luke 2:14,20. 
When we want to know about Godʼs glory, we often try to picture something intangible. But Godʼs goodness is rooted in reality. The glory of God is most  easily distinguished for us through His work. The work of God, in this case sending His Son, is the expression of Godʼs character through His perfect 
execution of love and truth. We experience Godʼs glory in every activity of  His work. 

If you are in Christ, you are a mirror, an ambassador, a carrier of Godʼs glory. We who have been given the Spirit of God and can see “the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ” (2 Cor. 4:4) can always be in the presence of God in worship and prayer and always have Christ within us. When we turn to the Lord,  we reflect His glory like Christ Himself. And we are transformed by it. 

“The deepest passion of the heart of Jesus was not the saving of men, but the 
glory of God; and then the saving of men, because that is for the glory of God.”
–G. Campbell Morgan (1863-1945)\

Family Devotion: 

Materials: mirror

Pass the mirror to members of the family and, as they look, invite them to say one thing they like and dislike.
Tell your family members to skim Luke 2:1-20 and find the number of times  glory, or a root form of it, is repeated. Ask: “What do you think the word glory means?” Look up glory in a Bible dictionary or English dictionary to develop a fuller understanding.

Read 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Hebrews 1:3. According to these passages, Christ is the exact representation of Godʼs character and a carrier of Godʼs glory. Those who believe that Jesus is Godʼs Son and accept that Jesus can save us from sin, are also carriers of Godʼs glory. When the world looks at you, they should see Godʼs glory reflected in you. When we continue to follow Jesus day  after day, we will be transformed more and more like Jesus.

Pass the mirror around again, and direct each person to say, “I am a reflection of Godʼs glory.” When you worship God, pray to Him, and follow Christ, more and more of Godʼs glory will be reflected in you. When Jesus was born, the fullness of Godʼs glory was revealed in Him. No wonder those who visited Baby Jesus fell down and worshiped Him, and returned home glorifying and praising Him.

Pray, asking God to reveal more and more of His glory in your family.

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