Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Gospel Project Family Devotion-Week of 1/26-2/1, 2014

Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 18, Session 1: God Called Jeremiah
Jeremiah 1

Christ Connection: Jeremiah challenged the way people lived in Judah and called them to turn away from their idol worship and other sins. Christ did more than challenge how people lived; He called people to turn from their sins, and He provided the way for people to have a relationship with God.

Adult Connection Point: 
“The love that won on the cross and wins the world is a love that is driven, determined, and defined by holiness. It is a love that flows out of the heart of a God who is transcendent, majestic, infinite in righteousness, who loves justice as much as He does mercy; who hates wickedness as much as He loves  goodness … He rules, He reigns, He rages and roars, then bends down to whisper love songs to His creatures … He is a God who triumphs.” 1 —Timothy Stoner 

We think the big deal in the universe is us. This may be horribly offensive to us as humans who think the universe is all about us—but itʼs not. This whole creation is a theater to the only true, good, all-powerful God. He is the big deal in the universe, and everything works to His glory. But no matter how great and mighty God is, He is also loving. Thatʼs why He invites us to know and love Him, to enjoy Him and share in His delight. God is so loving that He even sacrificed His own Son for us so that even after we trampled His glory, He could allow us to know and enjoy Him again. 

1 Timothy J. Stoner, The God Who Smokes: Scandalous Meditations on Faith (Colorado 
Springs: NavPress, 2008), 30.

Family Devotion:
Find pictures of favorite celebrities, sports stars, or heroes. Bring the pictures to your family time or display them on your computer. Ask: “Why do people buy posters, watch movies, or games to see these people? What else do people do to learn more about or get closer to these people?”

If we are not careful, people or things can become idols in our lives. An idol is anything that takes the place of God in our lives. Instead of an idol being made out of wood or metal, our idols can be man-made or man himself. One of the \problems with Godʼs people is that they were often following after idols instead of Him.

Recall Jeremiah 1 and ask, “What did God want Jeremiah to say to the people of Judah?” God used Jeremiah to point out othersʼ sins. He wanted them to stop sinning and turn to God. Jesus not only tells us to turn from our sin, but He provides the way for us to have a relationship with the one, true God.

Remind your kids that because of Jesusʼ death on the cross, we are forgiven by a loving God. He does not pour out His anger on us because it was poured out on the cross. Once we are forgiven, we have a right relationship with God.

Hold a time of confession with your family; then pray, asking God to forgive you. Thank Him for sending Jesus to die on the cross for your sins.

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