Friday, January 3, 2014

DC/KZ January 2014 Newsletter

·         I’m a Christian Now Class: We are excited to once again offer the discipleship class I’m a Christian Now for children who have recently made a decision for salvation. There is still time to register your child before the course begins next week! Contact Elizabeth Horne at
·         Awana 2014: Awana begins on January 8, 2013. If your child is not involved in our Awana Clubs, we invite you to join us in the new semester in the New Year!
·         Imagine Children’s Ministry Conference: As a parent or leader, you are invited to attend Imagine Children’s Ministry Conference on January 31-February 1 in Bardstown. This annual conference is an exciting look into the world of children’s ministry and how to minister to your child and others more effectively. The cost is $50 for a ticket and hotel room plus the cost of your meals. Deadline to pay and sign up with Elizabeth Horne at or sign up in the Welcome Center booth is January 22.
·         CentriKid 2014: Although Children’s Church is for 2nd grade and under, many of you have students who are in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade. We invite these older students to CentriKid Camp on June 8-12. The deadline to register your child and pay your nonrefundable $50 deposit is February 9. We are having a fundraiser on February 1 to help offset the cost of deposits and the cost of camp. This fundraiser is a pancake breakfast hosted by Applebee’s in Lagrange. The tickets are sold for $8 and the child selling them gets $6 towards camp. If your family would like to participate in this fundraiser, please see Elizabeth Horne to get your tickets to sell!
·         VBS Training: We know that it is just January, but VBS prep for 2014 is already in full swing. Our theme this year is International Spy Academy. There is a free training in Florence, KY for VBS this year on February 7 at 10:00 am. If you are interested, please contact Elizabeth Horne.
·         Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone Rules:
1.      Always come in quietly and ready for instruction
2.      Always listen carefully to the teacher and respect others
3.      Never fight or yell
4.      Always follow directions
5.      Toys belong at home or against the wall (Food is not allowed in our classrooms due to extreme allergies)
6.      Have Fun!!!!!
We are asking that our parents help us make Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone a great time of biblical learning and excitement. Talk to your kids about their attitudes, actions, words, and language that should be used at church. Help us make DC/KZ a fun and healthy environment for our children and an exciting place to serve for our leaders. Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.-Proverbs 22:6

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