Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Gospel Project Devotion-Week of 1/12-1/18, 2014

Unit 17, Session 4: Habakkuk, Prophet to Judah
Habakkuk 1–3

Christ Connection: Habakkuk lived at a time when evil seemed to be everywhere. By faith, he trusted God's promise that God would deliver His people. Injustice, violence, and wickedness surround us today, but we can live by faith and trust that Jesus will return to make all things right.

Adult Connection Point: Is God a moral monster? No. Without God, we are the moral monsters! We are the creatures that contaminated creation, the ones who provoke a holy and just God to righteous anger. “I was like a beast toward You,” the psalmist correctly confessed (Ps. 73:22). 

The anger of God is His right reaction to evil. But the love of God and the compassion of God will exist long after evil is abolished. Listen to what God told Isaiah: “In overflowing anger for a moment I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love I will have compassion on you” (Isa. 54:8). 

God is good. And not just good, Heʼs great! Death defeated, sin crucified, God is in the process of reversing the effects of the fall. And God will not tolerate sin in this world much longer. 

At the cross of Jesus Christ, the question shifts from “Is God angry?” to “Is God angry forever?” With a heartfelt hope experienced by all of Godʼs people throughout history, we can confidently exclaim no! Because of Christʼs work, a day is coming when that which makes God angry—and that which makes us 
angry—will forever be forgotten. Sin will be no more. Death will die. No more evil, famine, or war. As God Himself said, “I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins” (Isa. 43:25). 

Family Devotion: 
Materials: current newspaper, large pot of water

Heat a large pot of water on the stove. Periodically, choose a child to see if the water is boiling. While you wait, locate a newspaper and paraphrase stories that reveal the sinfulness of people or nations. Direct your kids to give a thumbs up or thumbs down in relation to the action taken.

Recall the Bible story from Habakkuk. Ask: “What was Habakkuk complaining about to God?” Even though God used a wicked nation (Babylon) to punish the Israelites, Habakkuk trusted what God was doing. He trusted God, knowing He is a compassionate and loving God. Even though today we see wickedness all 
over, we can trust that God is in control and is still compassionate and faithful toward those who love Him.

Ask: “How does it make you feel to know wickedness continues to thrive in our neighborhoods and world?” 
Remind your children that God wants people to love Him and hate sin. It may seem He is slow in punishing our enemies just like the water is slow to boil, but because of Jesusʼ death on the cross, a day is coming when there will be no more evil, war, or famine; rather, all will be right in the world.

End your family time with a song of praise remembering Godʼs goodness and 

Pray, thanking God that He is faithful, good, and loving toward your family. 

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