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Thursday, May 30, 2013
TGP Family Devotion for the Week of May 26-June 1, 2013
I apologize for the late post...I didn't realize we hadn't posted the devotional for this week. We taught on Gideon on May 26. This is the devotional that goes with Gideon.-E
Unit 9, Session 3: Gideon
Judges 6–8
Christ Connection:
The Israelites cried out to God because they knew they could not save themselves. Even Gideon was not enough to save them; God used Gideon to save His people but God fought the battle for them. The people needed someone who was mighty to save. Jesus Christ came to save us from sin because we cannot save ourselves.
Only God, through Christ, can save us.
Adult Connection Point:
“It is wonderful to hold God’s hand. But it is far more wonderful for God to hold our hand. And that’s what God does when He saves us.” –W. A. Criswell
God is glorified in the perseverance of His people through times of trial (1 Pet. 1:39). Believers stand firm in the trials they can see by believing and trusting in the Jesus they can’t (1 Pet. 1:8). By trusting our Savior and continuing to follow Him in the midst of a trial, we bring God glory because we put on display our faith that He is faithful even in bad times.
Family Devotion:
Materials: Bible, paper, markers
Allow time for each family member to draw a picture of a time she was afraid. Share each picture and story together.
Read Judges 6:16.
Ask: How do you think the Israelites felt? What were they thinking?
Read Judges 6:15,22,36-40; 7:9-10.
Ask: How do you think Gideon felt about God’s calling on his life?
Say: God used Gideon even though he was fearful and weak. God doesn’t look at our lack of strength. God said to the apostle Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) When we feel weak or fearful, we can trust in Jesus. He will work through us in spite of our weaknesses so God receives the glory. We first trust in Jesus to save us from sins, and then we continue to trust Him on a daily basis—even in bad times like the Israelites experienced.
Look again at your drawings. Would you be afraid if you knew Jesus was with you and helping you?
Allow each family member to share.
Praise our mighty God who does not look at our weakness. Thank Him for sending Jesus to save us from our sins. Ask Him to manifest His power in your weakness.
THEO-Foundations of Salvation Summer Bible Study
Preschoolers, Kindergarten, and 1st grade will have a special Bible Study on Wednesday Nights this Summer. Be sure to have your kids here at 6:00 pm for our THEO Study!
June 26: THEO Redemption-Paul
helps Onesimus and Philemon (2nd and up attend Dr. George Martin’s
Email Elizabeth Horne if you have any questions at Elizabeth@BBCLife.org.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Summer Movie Mornings
On June 27 and July 11, we will go to the movies! All children must be accompanied by an adult to attend! We will meet at the church at 9:15 am and carpool to the movies at Tinseltown. Please let Elizabeth know if you are willing to drive!
June 26: The Smurfs (PG)
July 11: Dolphine Tale (PG)
The cost of the movie is $1 per person.
This is a great change to hang out with our kids and have a time of fellowship with other families in our church. If you have any questions, please let Elizabeth Horne know.
June 26: The Smurfs (PG)
July 11: Dolphine Tale (PG)
The cost of the movie is $1 per person.
This is a great change to hang out with our kids and have a time of fellowship with other families in our church. If you have any questions, please let Elizabeth Horne know.
Summer's WoW Wednesdays!
Have you heard the exciting news? We are still having Wednesday Nights this summer at BBC! And there is something for every age each night! You don't want to miss our Wonderful WOW Wednesdays! We will meet on most Wednesdays Nights at 6:00 pm.
June 5: CentriKid Parent's Meeting and Youth Parent's Meeting at 6:00 pm
June 12: CentriKid Camp
June 19: Youth Camp
June 26: Dr. George Martin-Professor of Biblical Studies at SBTS. Dr. Martin served and taught in the Pacific Rim from 1988-1994. 2nd graders and older are invited to hear Dr. Martin's exciting stories of how God is working through missions! Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st will meet in the Children's Department for their own special study.
July 3: ANIMAL UNDERGROUND LIVE ANIMAL SHOW! Join Animal Tales and their amazing animals in the worship center for an exciting night of learning about God's Creation! Everyone is invited! Bring a camera for pictures with these exciting creatures!
July 10 & 17: Carl Kerby-Carl's passion is to proclaim the authority and accuracy of the Bible and to engage the minds and hearts of believers and unbelievers in today's culture through apologetics! 2nd graders and older are invited to both of Dr. Carl's exciting discussions. Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st will meet in the Children's Department for their own special study.
July 24: VBS!!!!!!!!! Be sure you have signed up to help and register your kids at www.bbclife.org/VBS2013
July 31: Family Movie Night in the FLC! Bring a blanket, share some popcorn, and join us in the FLC for our annual Summer Movie Night!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Gospel Project Family Devotion for the Week of May 19-25
Unit 9, Session 2: Deborah and Barak
Judges 4–5
Christ Connection:
God does what is for His glory and our good. (Psalm 115:3; Romans 8:28) God fought for the Israelites and used Deborah, Barak, and Jael to defeat Canaan. In a similar way, God uses people and events to not only save us from our enemies, but to bring about our ultimate good: salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Adult Connection Point:
“Just as Christ submitted his whole life for our good, so we should submit our whole lives for one another’s good. It’s not as if there is some area ofour life that is exempt from considering the interests of others better than our own. Specifically, we should give ourselves to our churches publicly, physically, socially, affectionately, financially, vocationally, ethically, and spiritually.”
–Jonathan Leeman
As Christ’s sheep, we must not fix our eyes merely inward but also out toward the lost sheep of other folds. We must leave our comfort zones and take the love of Christ to people who do not look or talk or dress like us (Titus 2:1114).
Family Devotion
Materials: Bible
Play a chariot game by pairing an older family member with a younger child. If you have an odd number of people in your family, let one person go twice. Instruct the older person to guide the “chariot” by holding onto the younger person’s feet. The younger child should lie acedown on the floor until her feet are picked up and then “walk” with her hands. (Think wheelbarrow races.) Guide the “chariot” around the house or outside in the yard.
Read Judges 4:110,1417,2122.
Ask: Whom did God use to defeat the Canaanites and kill the king’s commander, Sisera?
Read Judges 5:1617.
Ask: Who did help Deborah in this battle?
Say: God used Deborah, Barak, and Jael to defeat the enemy. All three contributed to the defeat of the Canaanite army, but God controlled the outcome. Today God still uses people for His purposes—people who are willing to obey Him. Think about people who have influenced your life. Who has helped you understand the love of Jesus?
Pray and ask God to give your family the courage to help others who may be different from you. Ask Him to show you opportunities where you can share the love of Jesus with others.
Friday, May 17, 2013
VBS Staff Still Needed!!!!
VBS Staff Sign-Up Sheet
July 21-25, 2013
The following is what is still needed for VBS!
Troupe Leaders:
1. Linda Lindell
2. Emily Perkins
Kindergarten & 1st:
1. Julie Miller
2nd & 3rd:
1. Shelli and Chris Wilson
4th & 5th:
1. Don Wright
Opening and Closing Assembly
Sound Booth Tech
Power Point Tech
Learn-A-Lot Chambers: Bible Time
Bible Helper 1
(Assist Darlene Schuff)
Bible Helper 2
(Assist Elizabeth Horne)
Minstrel’s Music:
Music Helper
One Adult Male Helper
Official Photographer:
Bring your own camera
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