Unit 21, Session 1: Obadiah the Prophet
Obadiah 1-21
Christ Connection: God used Obadiah to give a message to His people. Even though they were mistreated by the people of Edom, God was still in control. God showed His people that He is ruler of all the earth, and in the end, Jesus will set up His kingdom and make all things right.
Adult Connection Point:
Voices from Church History “His new birth from the dead was made a way for us also, since the pains of death, wherein we were held, were loosed by the resurrection of the Lord.” \–Gregory of Nyssa (circa 331-395) [Gregory of Nyssa, “Against Eunomius,” in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. 5, eds. Philip Schaff and Henry Wace (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, reprint 1893), 113.]

Jesus went to the cross in obedience to God’s call. As a result, God raised Him from the dead and exalted Him as Lord of all. Today’s believers, united with Jesus Christ in His resurrection, are also called. We are called to join in God’s heart and to be involved in carrying the message of the gospel around the world. We are challenged to join Christ in His mission and to model His missionary heart. (See Acts 2:24-28.)
Family Devotion:
Materials: paper, markers
Hand each member of your family a piece of paper and a marker. Give them real-life situations where someone is mistreated and then direct each person to draw a face of how he would feel if he was the one mistreated. For example, ask, “What if you received a new coat for Christmas then lost it at school. A day later, you see a friend of yours wearing the exact same coat. How would you feel?” Think of other scenarios your children may have already experienced.
Remind them of the Bible story how the nation of Edom was mistreating Judah even though the two nations were formed from two brothers with the same father! Edom stole from Judah. They did not help Judah when they needed it, and even laughed as Judah was attacked.
Ask, “What are some reasons Edom did not want to help Judah?” God told Obadiah that the Edomites did not love God. They worshiped false idols and were prideful, trusting in themselves instead of God.
Remind your kids that God knew what was happening. He helped his people in Judah, but punished the people of Edom. Even though it did not seem like it, God was in control and made things right. One day Jesus will return and right all the wrong.
Pray, thanking God that He is in control. Ask God to help your family trust Him only.
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