Thursday, June 20, 2013

Parent's Guide-TGP for the Week of June 16-June 22

Unit 10, Session 2: Eli and Boy Samuel

1 Samuel 1–3


Christ Connection: Samuel used God’s words to tell the people what God is like. John 1:1 says that Jesus is the Word. Jesus showed the world what God is like, and He told people to turn away from their sin. Jesus ultimately freed people from the power of sin by dying on the cross and rising again.


Adult Connection Point:

Scripture points to the nature of God. In Romans 3, the apostle Paul quoted Psalm 14:1-3 as a way of underscoring how sinful everyone is. We cannot put ourselves on a pedestal and look down our noses at those who don’t believe in God. The reality of sin levels us all. Thankfully, the grace revealed in the gospel reaches into the hearts of sinners and not only shows us right from wrong but also declares us right before God through our faith in Christ’s work.


Family Devotion:

Materials: measuring cup, 2 containers of different sizes and shapes, 2 containers of identical size and shape, water


Begin the devotional time by asking one of your children to assist you in measuring and pouring water. Measure the same amount of water using the measuring cup and pour it into the two different containers.


Ask: “Which container has more water?” Likely one will appear to have more water than the other if the shapes are significantly different, but we know they contain the same amount of water since you measured the water before you poured it.


To show that the water is equal in both, pour the water into the identical containers and let your kids recognize that the water is even.


Read aloud Psalm 14:1-3. Discuss with your children that people look differently, people act differently, and people have different likes and dislikes. Say: “The Bible tells us that one thing is the same about all people: they all sin. Just like the water in the two containers had the same amount and were equal, all people are alike in the fact that they sin.” (See Rom. 3:23.)


Say: “Jesus showed the world what God is like, and He told people to turn away from their sin. Jesus provided freedom from sin by dying on the cross and rising again.”

Pray, thanking God for sending Jesus to die for our sins. 

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