Tuesday, June 25, 2013
5th Sunday Stay is Sunday, June 30!
5th Sunday Stay is this weekend during 10:45 am service. And this month, Discovery Club will be included in the Extended Session Stay with Kid'z Zone! So if you have a Preschooler-2nd grader, they will remain in Worship the entire time this week.
Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone will resume on July 7. And during the 10:45 am service, the Kid'z Zone kids will be singing a few new songs as part of worship so make sure your child is here! We will be practicing these songs on Wednesday Nights in WOW Wednesdays as well as Sunday School for the next few weeks!
If you have any questions, please let Elizabeth Horne, Children's Minister, know! Elizabeth@BBCLife.org.
TGP Parent's Guide for the Week of 6/23-6/29
Unit 10, Session 3: The Ark Was
1 Samuel 4–5
Christ Connection: The ark of God was important to the
Israelites because it reminded God’s people that God was with them. Years
later, God gave His people something greater than a sign that He was with them;
God gave them His Son, Jesus—God in the flesh. One of Jesus’ names is Immanuel,
which means “God with us.”
Adult Connection Point:
Who is this
God who is “with us” in Jesus? He is King, eternal, immortal, and
covenant-keeper (1 Tim. 1:17; Ex. 3:13-15). First Timothy 1:17 describes God as
invisible, for He is spirit. But Jesus has revealed Him; Jesus is the visible
image of the invisible God. (See Col. 1:15.)
Family Devotion:
paper, markers or crayons
During the
week before using this devotion, encourage your kids to look at signs or logos
as they ride in the car. During devotion time, ask your children to recall any
signs or logos they saw: restaurants, businesses, churches, and so forth. Ask
what the sign or logo tells them. Logos are used by businesses to identify
their business or product. Logos should be easily identifiable so people will
quickly recognize them and trust their product.
Guide your
family to create your own personal family logo. Be creative and try to
incorporate activities and likes of all your family members. This project
doesn’t need to be completed during your devotion time, but make sure everyone
has input on the final logo.
Remind your
family that the ark of God was a symbol of God’s presence while the Israelites
were wandering in the desert. Help them recall that 1 Samuel 4–5 reveals the people of Israel started treating
the ark as magical, and they took the ark into battle where it was captured.
Read aloud 1
Timothy 1:17. Say: “God sent His Son, Jesus, to show people what God is like.
Jesus is not just a logo of who God is; the Bible tells us that Jesus is Immanuel, which means ‘God with us.’
Jesus is God the Son.
Close in prayer, thanking God for sending Jesus to be our Savior and to show us what God is like.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
A Call For HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It may seem crazy. It may seem overwhelming. It might even seem impossible. But are you being called by God to fill in the gap that is in our BBC Kids Children's Ministry?
Hard as it is to believe, there is a growing little boy coming into the Horne Home. Yes, I can barely even believe it myself, but then he kicks, and I'm constantly reminded!
With a new little one on the way, there are some GREAT changes coming to the Children's Ministry in the Summer and Fall of 2013. What are those changes going to look like? And how can you help?
Summer 2013: Children's Church
In teaching Discovery Club this weekend, I discovered something that has long been a frustration, I can't be in two places at once. Sad, but I haven't mastered the art of transportation from one room to the next...Mr. Spock should really work on that! I was completely alone with 10 preschoolers. And like usual, "I gotta go potty" was a top phrase. And I had nobody to take a child to the bathroom.
There has to be two people in Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone each week, and in order to do that, we need more volunteers on the rotations for DC and KZ starting NOW!
What if you can't teach? That is okay! Sometimes the biggest need is an assistant teacher who comes in, walks children to the bathroom, and helps with a craft.
If you can teach, we've got space for you too! The Gosple Project is a great tool driven by videos to help you teach the Word to our children!
One of the GREAT joys in my ministry life is teaching Kid'Z Zone every week. This class ranges from 15 kids to 25 kids on a weekly basis. And we do it all, music, Bible Study, Games, and yes, the occasional craft. However, with maternity leave looming in the distance, we need subs to take over Kid'z Zone while I'm away. Currently, I'm the only KZ teacher. Without subs, that ministry doesn't happen.
Are you willing to teach Kid'z Zone during my maternity leave? What about helping right now so there is more than one adult in a room of 25? The best time to check out KZ is right now! Anyone interested in helping in KZ while I'm away can train now on what we do every week. What is the KZ schedule, meet the kids, and learn how to work The Gospel Project.
Will you pray and ask God how you can help us prepare for the Fall? Will you pray about helping me personally as I walk through this pregnancy? How will you help DC and KZ in the upcoming weeks?
Fall 2013:
AWANA: Come August, Awana 2013-2014 will begin again. It is exciting with our new Cubbies Updates, new games, new friends, and new adventures in God's Word. Have you volunteered to work in Awana in the upcoming year? Did you know that are 90 in the Children's Ministry on any given Wednesday Night? That is a lot of kids and workers! And we are looking to grow our ministry this year by leaps and bounds.
Once again, with the baby's arrival in the distance, the staff and I want to make sure that every spot is filled for this coming Awana Year. We are asking for a one year commitment from all of our leaders. Pray about serving. You won't regret a year served in Awana at BBC!
DISCOVERY CLUB AND KID'Z ZONE: Not to beat the same subject, but starting in the fall, a new KZ leader is needed to take over for me during maternity leave. Without a KZ leader, this ministry will not be available. Are you willing to serve?
And we are always looking for DC teachers especially around the holidays!
God does so much through our children. In less than 3 years, 40 kids have come to know the Lord! 40! Be apart of reaching these kids with the Gospel. We aren't just babysitting, we are leading and teaching the youngest leaders in our church. They can't be underestimated. They will change the world. It is our job to see that they change it for Jesus Christ.
Are you in?
Elizabeth J. Horne
Minister to Children
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Numbers 6:24-26
BBC Kids Salato Trip-June 29, 2013
After our Salato Adventure, we will eat at Pizza Inn in
The cost is $11 per child and $15 per adult which includes
admission and meal. All children must be accompanied by an adult. We will be
taking the church bus on a first come, first serve basis.
Please make checks out to Ballardsville Baptist Church!
Payment is due the day of the trip, June 29.
If you have any questions, contact Elizabeth Horne, Minister
to Children, at 502-222-9165 or email at Elizabeth@BBCLife.org.
CentriKid Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who helped us host our two fundraisers. And all of those who took envelopes and committed to pray for our kids every day while they were at camp.
While our kids were at camp, they had two Bible Study Times, Worship Sessions twice a day, games, individual track times, OMC, pool time, church devotion time, hang time, and so much more. We came home tired, excited, and still finding glitter in our hair!
One of our students made a profession of faith while at camp this year. And many seeds were planted!
It is because of our church family that we can go each year to CentriKid! Thank you for blessing us with this amazing gift. Each of our kids and leaders appreciated your support!
Our leaders this year were also out of this world, Mrs. Michele Edens, Mrs. Shelli Wilson, Mr. Mike Cohn, and Mr. Kevin Woods all went to camp, and I could not have asked for a better group of leaders to bring with us to camp. Kevin Woods sacrificed a week of his summer to be a Teen Team Assistant at Camp. Not only did he work with our kids, but with all 600 of the CentriKid Students. I'm truely thankful for our leaders sacrificing a week of their time to attend camp!
Thank you to everyone who was invovled in CentriKid!
We look forward to see what God does in 2014!
Elizabeth J. Horne, Minister to Children, Ballardsville Baptist Church
Parent's Guide-TGP for the Week of June 16-June 22
Unit 10, Session 2: Eli and Boy
1 Samuel 1–3
Christ Connection: Samuel used
God’s words to tell the people what God is like. John 1:1 says that Jesus is
the Word. Jesus showed the world what God is like, and He told people to turn
away from their sin. Jesus ultimately freed people from the power of sin by
dying on the cross and rising again.
Adult Connection Point:
points to the nature of God. In Romans 3, the apostle Paul quoted Psalm 14:1-3
as a way of underscoring how sinful everyone is. We cannot put ourselves on a
pedestal and look down our noses at those who don’t believe in God. The reality
of sin levels us all. Thankfully, the grace revealed in the gospel reaches into
the hearts of sinners and not only shows us right from wrong but also declares
us right before God through our faith in Christ’s work.
Family Devotion:
measuring cup, 2 containers of different sizes and shapes, 2 containers of
identical size and shape, water
Begin the
devotional time by asking one of your children to assist you in measuring and
pouring water. Measure the same amount of water using the measuring cup and
pour it into the two different containers.
Ask: “Which
container has more water?” Likely one will appear to have more water than the
other if the shapes are significantly different, but we know they contain the
same amount of water since you measured the water before you poured it.
To show that
the water is equal in both, pour the water into the identical containers and
let your kids recognize that the water is even.
Read aloud
Psalm 14:1-3. Discuss with your children that people look differently, people
act differently, and people have different likes and dislikes. Say: “The Bible
tells us that one thing is the same about all people: they all sin. Just like
the water in the two containers had the same amount and were equal, all people
are alike in the fact that they sin.” (See Rom. 3:23.)
Say: “Jesus
showed the world what God is like, and He told people to turn away from their
sin. Jesus provided freedom from sin by dying on the cross and rising again.”
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