We've got Christmas parties, children's productions, and so many other things that fill the calendar this time of year.
So in the midst of it all, I want to encourage you to take time to spend with your kids. Pull out your Gospel Project cards and go through our Big Picture Question and Verses. Ask them what they are learning, and make sure Santa doesn't over shadow the manger. Share a meal and take a breath...
Talk to you kids and their teachers about how things are going. Christmas time brings a lot of changes to a child's schedule. Late night practices and long days of school, parties, and rehearsals can throw even the strongest of adults into chaos. Make sure your child is getting enough rest and work through the changes to their schedule with their teachers both at school and church. Yep, even at church...Sometimes behavior issues can happen because a child's schedule has become too much for them to handle. Take a Saturday and stay home, watch a Christmas Movie, and don't ever get out of your pjs. It is worth the break to remember that this time of year isn't about keeping busy, it is about the Savior!
With all that being said, the Children's Ministry has one more skit practice on Wednesday. We will practice in the Worship Center the entire hour...6:30-7:30. If your child is in Deck the Halls and Trim the Tree, we need them all here for Wednesday Night Practice. Gloria will also practice from 6:30-7:30 that night for the Children's Choir. Deck the Halls will be presented on December 9 at 10:45 am.
We want you, as a family, to worship the Savior and savor the time you have together. Therefore, on Sunday, December 23, there is No Sunday School, Discovery Club, or Kid'z Zone. Everyone will meet in the FLC for A BBC Christmas Celebration-A Time of Connecting and Sharing the Gospel. There will be a lite breakfast at 9:30 and community Christmas worship at 10:45.
On December 30, Sunday School will resume at 9:30 am, but all Children's Church students will remain in worship for 5th Sunday Stay, including Discovery Club!
January 6, all Extended Session student will return to their regular programs of Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone in the 10:45 am worship.
In honor of the holidays, Caleb and I will be embarking on a roadtrip down to Georgia to visit family in Atlanta and Savannah. We leave on December 17, and will be back in town at New Years.
We hope you have a blessed and Merry Christmas. If you have any questions about any of our upcoming events, please contact me at Elizabeth @BBCLife.org.
Elizabeth J. Horne
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Minister to Children
Numbers 6:24-26
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