Unit 22, Session 1: Nehemiah Heard News of Jerusalem
Nehemiah 1–2
Christ Connection:
Preschool: God promised to keep His people safe and give them a home. God always keeps His promises. Jesus died on the cross for our sin so we can have a home in heaven. When we trust in Jesus, we will be with God forever.
Kids: Nehemiah trusted that God would keep His promise to protect His people and give them a home. When we trust in Jesus, we have a home in heaven with God. Jesus obeyed God perfectly. He died on the cross and rose again so we can have a home with Him forever in heaven.
Adult Connection Point: See Rom. 13:8-14.
One of the main reasons we are to live holy lives today is because of what time it is. We are God’s people. We live in light of salvation. Since the resurrection of Jesus, the new day has dawned. Because Jesus obeyed God perfectly and died on the cross for our sins in order to give us an eternal home with God, we should obey God’s law. Jesus saves us from sin so that we will no longer live in sin but as those who will live with God forever. If we continue to live in unrighteousness and sin, we are going back to the dark, living as if we do not belong to God. We are closing the shades around the window, keeping out the sunlight that comes from Christ’s finished work for us. And looking to God’s law—properly understood in view of Jesus’ perfect obedience and sacrificial death—keeps us in the light.
Hence, Paul’s Letter to the Romans urges us to fulfill the law of love by living in the light and putting aside the deeds of darkness.
Family Devotion:
Materials: chairs, sheets, clothespins
Build a “home” using the chairs, sheets, and clothespins. If it is nice outside, \consider making the home there. When your family is finished, gather them inside for the devotional.
Review Nehemiah 1--2 with your kids. Ask: “What was the news reported to Nehemiah?” Recall how the nation of Israel was no longer in exile. Even though many had returned to Jerusalem, the city was no longer glorious or even safe to live in. The walls were broken and the gates burned down providing no protection.
Ask: “What did Nehemiah do each time he was faced with a challenging problem?” Nehemiah prayed to God, confessing the sins of Israel and reminding God of His promise to gather the Israelites back in Jerusalem. He also prayed before he answered the king. (See Nehemiah 1:8-9; 2:4-5.) Remind your kids that God answered Nehemiah’s prayer and remembered His promise to give the Israelites a home and protection from their enemies. When we trust in Jesus, He promises to give us a home in heaven where we can live forever with Him.
Think of ways your real home provides protection for your family compared to your created “home.”
Pray, thanking God for His protection here on earth and for keeping a home in heaven for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus.