Wednesday, February 26, 2014


The Great Egg Race 2014

BBC Kids invites you to participate in the Second Annual Great Egg Race. Classes will compete against each other to see who can bring in the most FILLED Easter Eggs!

When you bring in your eggs, you will sign them in on the class chart with your child’s name, grade, and number of eggs. So be sure to count them before you bring them to Awana or Sunday School! (Only eggs that are filled and signed in will count towards the class totals!)

The group that brings in the most eggs will be recognized at a pizza party on April 16! So fill and count those eggs for BBC’s GREAT EGG RACE!

And be sure to mark your calendar for our FREE Easter Egg Hunt, April 20, after church!

Contact Elizabeth Horne, Children’s Minister, if you have any questions at

The Gospel Project Family Devotion-Week of 2/23-3/1, 2014

Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 18, Session 5: Ezekiel Told About a Future Hope
Ezekiel 37

Christ Connection: God showed Ezekiel a valley of dry bones. The dry bones remind us what we are like when we sin. God had a plan for people who sin. Because Jesus came to earth, died, and was raised to life, He has the power to give us eternal life.

Adult Connection Point: Colossians 1:15-20 teaches us the centrality of Jesus the Messiah to the gospel. Everything was made by Him and for Him, everything is held together in Him, and He will ultimately reconcile everything. 

The gospel is more than just information. It is good news. It is the story of a God who loves the work of His hands and has provided everything needed to redeem and restore it. When we care for creation, manage possessions wisely, and demonstrate care and concern for others, we are mirroring the heart of God 
who loves us and loves His world. 

Ask yourselves: What opportunities do we have to show the love of Christ? 

Exercising compassion toward those who do not know Christ is an expression of Godʼs love. Through that expression they may come to know the God who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins. 

Family Devotion: 
Materials: picture of the human skeletal system, cotton swabs or toothpicks

Place the cotton swabs on the floor or table and display the picture of the skeletal system. Use cotton swabs or toothpicks to create a skeleton. Encourage all family members to participate on at least one part of the skeleton.

Recall the vision Ezekiel had of the valley of bones. Ask: “What words did God tell Ezekiel to speak to the dry bones?” God did not want His people to stay in this foreign nation. He did not want them to remain hopeless. Rather, He wanted His people to know that even though they were dead in their sin, they did not have to stay that way. The situation looked hopeless in this foreign land, but God had not forgotten them. He desired for them to obey Him so He could once again be with them.

 In the same way God desires for us to live in relationship with Him. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die. Then God brought Him back to life forever. We too can live forever with God when we receive Jesus into our lives. When we do, Godʼs presence will remain with us forever.

Think of family members, neighbors, or friends who do not know Jesus. Pray, asking God to reveal Himself to them so they too may have eternal life.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

BBC's Annual Awana Derby is Coming!

BBC’s Awana Derby 2014 is March 22 from 10:00-12:00 in the FLC!

Workshop is March 8, from 1-3 pm. Must RSVP for workshop to Brian Stivers.  

Pinewood Derby Check-In Rules

You must check in your car to be officially weighed.

If your car is over 5 ounces, weight will be drilled out of the car.

Owner of car will draw a number and their name will be placed on the chart next to the corresponding number.

Car owner will then proceed to the tables to place their car on the plate with their number.

Once the car is on the plate, you may no longer touch the car until your name is called to race.

Once you have raced your car, it must go back to the table and placed on your plate.

NO car is to be tampered with after they are placed on the table.

All racers will be given 3 coins which they will use to vote on their favorite car designs.

Racers will deposit their coins into the numbered container corresponding with their favorite cars.

Racers may place all three coins into one container to vote on one car, or choose to vote on three different cars.

The Gospel Project Family Devotion for 2/16-2/22, 2014

Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 18, Session 4: Ezekiel Prophesied to the Exiles
Ezekiel 10

Christ Connection: God left the temple because He was unhappy with His people's sin. Sin separates people from God. Jesus came to earth to fix our relationship with God by taking the punishment of our sin for us. Because of Jesus, we can turn from our sin, trust in Him, and then enjoy God's presence forever.

Adult Connection Point: Before the Apostle Paul served Christ and His church, he persecuted Christ and His church. Paulʼs pre-Christian life, when he was still known as Saul, included persecuting believers to the point of death. Before his Damascus Road conversion (Acts 9:3-8; 22:6-21; 26:12-18), Saul attempted to 
serve God by arranging the arrest and persecution of Christian believers. He gave his approval of Stephenʼs martyrdom and then dragged other believers out of their homes and into prison. (8:1-3) 

Paulʼs sin separated him from God, but God extends grace to those who are separated from Him. That is good news for all of us. The Bible teaches that Christ died for our sins. We are included among those who are responsible for the death of Christ. As Paul explained in Romans 5:8, “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Christ laid down His life by His own authority, according to the will of the Father. Still, Christ died for our sins. (1 Cor. 15:3)

“The sacredness of human personality is evident in that God created man in His own image, and in that Christ died for man; therefore, every person of every race possesses full dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love.” –Article III from The Baptist Faith and Message (2000)

Family Devotion: 
Materials: picture of the temple, paper, pencils

If available, show a picture of the temple from an illustration in your Bible or from the Internet. Also show the cherubim and mercy seat in the Most Holy Place of the temple.

Review some of the details of the story, and then direct your kids to try to draw the vision Ezekiel had of Godʼs presence leaving the temple. Ask: “Why did Godʼs presence leave the temple?” Over and over, God had sent prophets to warn the people to turn from their sin and do what was right. God loved His people, yet they turned their backs on Him and followed after other gods. Godʼs people ended up in another nation, serving a foreign king and knowing their city of Jerusalem was about to be burned. Even with all the bad news, worse news came: Godʼs presence had left the temple.

Remind your kids that sin separates us from God. We cannot come to a holy God when we have sin in our lives. God sent Jesus, His Son, to take the punishment we deserve so we could have a relationship with our holy God. When we trust in Jesus, we have an eternal relationship with Him—one that will never end.

Get up and dance to one of the worship songs. Pray, thanking God for sending Jesus so you can have a relationship with Him! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Support Your Team Color Night in Awana!

February 12 is Support Your Team Color Night! 

Deck out in our team's color for this fun Awana Night!

And don't forget, there is a Director's Meeting after Awana this week! 

Newport Aquarium Trip Funds DUE SUNDAY!

Newport Aquarium Family Trip

BBC is going to the Newport Aquarium on Saturday, February 22. We will depart from BBC at 9:00 am and travel to Newport, explore the aquarium, and eat on your own in the Sharky Café.

Adult tickets are $23. For every adult, we can get in TWO children who are 12 and under FREE!

Please sign up for this trip in the Welcome Center. And make checks to BBC. We will purchase our tickets together to be sure everyone gets in.

If you have a child who would like to attend this trip, but you are unable to attend, please contact Elizabeth Horne. We can make arrangements for them to hang with some of our special chaperones on this trip. Contact or call at 502-222-9165.

The Gospel Project-Week of 2/9-2/15, 2014

Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 18, Session 3: Judah Was Taken into Captivity
2 Chronicles 36:1-21

Christ Connection: God righteously punished His people for their sin but remained faithful to them, keeping the promise He made to David to provide a king. Ultimately, God punished our sin through His Son, Jesus, and made Him our King forever.

Adult Connection Point: Celebrate a God-centered life and the faithfulness of  our God. Look forward to the day when King Jesus returns and brings ultimate victory and peace.

Hymn of Response
The Churchʼs one foundation Is Jesus Christ, her Lord; 
She is His new creation, By Spirit and the Word; 
From heavʼn He came and sought her To be His holy bride; 
With His own blood He bought her, And for her life He died. 
Elect from evʼry nation, Yet one oʼer all the earth, 
Her charter of salvation: One Lord, one faith, one birth; 
One holy name she blesses, Partakes one holy food, 
And to one hope she presses, With evʼry grace endued. 
ʻMid toil and tribulation, And tumult of her war, 
She waits the consummation Of peace forevermore; 
Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest, 
And the great Church victorious Shall be the Church at rest. 
–Samuel J. Stone
 “The Saving One”—Starfield

Family Devotion: 
Divide your family into two groups and play capture the flag. If your family is small, play a game of tag.

Review the Bible story. Emphasize how after years and years of unfaithfulness and one evil king after the other misleading the country, the bad news finally came true. Judah was captured by a foreign nation. Not only did the Babylonians take the people as slaves, but they also stole the temple treasures, destroyed palaces, and tore down the walls protecting Jerusalem. God was punishing His people for not turning away from their sin.

Ask: “What phrase do you hear repeatedly in the Bible story?” All the bad kings “did what was evil in the sight of God” and “did not listen.” For that reason, the time had come to punish Godʼs people. God used an enemy to capture them, and they ended up as slaves to the king of Babylon. Godʼs people were once again back in slavery because they did not listen to God. God did not forget His people, though. God kept His promise to provide a king through Davidʼs family, one who would reign forever. That King is Jesus.

Pray, thanking God for being faithful to His promises and sending us an eternal king.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Gospel Project Family Devotion for the Week of 2/2-2/8

Volume 6 Adult/Kids Connections
Unit 18, Session 2: Jeremiah Warned of Godʼs Judgment
Jeremiah 36

Christ Connection: John 1 says that Jesus is the Word. Jesus showed people what God is like. God gives us His written Word, the Bible, to tell us what He is like too. The Bible has the most important message: the good news about Jesus. It tells us that God sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue us from our sin.

Adult Connection Point:
“We can be communities of repentance only if weʼre communities of grace. And this means being honest, open, and transparent about our struggles.” 1 —Tim Chester

As a community of believers, we have Godʼs Word to guide us and to lead us away from things that tempt us to sin. Sin didnʼt take Jesus by surprise. He was the friend of sinners. Before we can be a friend to sinners, we need to realize that Jesus is a friend to us. We are the sinners who need His salvation. We must
humble ourselves before God every day, ask for His mercy, and hold tight to the promise that in Christ He has given us all the grace we need to be obedient to all His commands.

It is not the nature and character of God to put us in situations where we cannot overcome temptation. So, on the one hand, fill your life with whatever stirs your affections for Jesus. And on the other hand, make war against your remaining sin.

Along the way, recognize that the church is meant to be an honest, open community for people fighting sin. We must be willing to confess our sin. When something is in the dark, it gains power. But when sin is brought out into the light, it loses some of its luster. The struggle continues, but walking in community as a family aids our pursuit of holiness. We repent of our sin, accept that Jesus has paid for our sin, and trust God and the power of His Spirit.1 Tim Chester, You Can Change (Wheaton: Crossway, 2010), 161.

Family Devotion:
Guide your kids to think about a best friend. Direct each child to tell what characteristics or actions makes that person a good friend.

Allow one of your kids to recall the Bible story while you fill in important details. Ask: “Why do you think the king burned the scroll?” The king did not want to hear what God had to say. He ignored—even “trashed”—Godʼs Word by putting it in the fire.

Remind your kids that God sent Jesus into the world so that people could have a relationship with Him. But first, the issue of sin had to be dealt with. Once Jesus died on the cross, our broken relationship to God was restored. In the Gospel of John, Jesus is called the Word, which was the writerʼs way of saying Jesus reveals to us who God is. We know from the Bible that Jesus is a friend of sinners and wants them to come to Him so He can change them. God loves the sinner and does not want us to stay in sin but to be saved from sin through Jesus.

Provide a Scripture for your family to memorize this week. Practice reciting and applying it during the week.

Pray, thanking God for giving you the Bible so you can know how to live like Jesus.