Camp is quickly approaching! And we have a great group of students and leaders joining us as CentriKid this year. Remember that camp is June 16-20.
We are having a special CentriKid "Hangout" on June 1 after church. Lunch will be provided. At this hangout, we will eat, talk about camp, watch a few camp videos, and your students will fill out some paperwork for camp.
Each student will decorate their own special CentriKid Door Hanger with their name to go on the door of our rooms. They will pick their top choices for tracks. They will turn in roommate requests. And they will sign their Discipline Policy Agreement.
This hangout is going to be a great time of bonding for our campers. Please be ready
to pick them up at 2:00 on June 1 from BBC.
Our parent meeting is June 4 at 6. A notary will be here to sign all the forms. Please bring your child's insurance card!
At the Parent Meeting, we will do the following:
Sign and fill out all official camp paperwork
Go over the camp's parent packet
Go over discipline policies and transportation
Packing needs
Answer any questions you might have
Also, if you have a child that may need special attention, IE: has a special need, medication, physical needs, etc, please let me know. You will also need to fill out a special attention card at the Parent's Meeting.
Campers are welcome at the Parent's Meeting. There will be a few childcare folks for them to hang with and watch a movie, "Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs."
I am excited about camp. If you have any questions, concerns, or anything you would like to discuss, please don't hesitate to give me a call at 502-222-9165 or email at
Elizabeth J. Horne
Minister to Children
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Numbers 6:24-26