Wednesday, October 31, 2012

TRUNK OR TREAT in Family Life Center Tonight!!!!


Join us for a FREE Fall Festival and TABLE or Treat inside the Family Life Center at BBC.
From 6:00-8:00 pm, we will have inflatables, hotdogs, popcorn, drinks, and lots and lots of candy.
Bring your kids our of the cold and join us for some FREE family fun inside at BBC!
Ballardsville Baptist Church
4300 S. Hwy 53
Crestwood, KY 40014

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Countdown to Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat

There is only 6 days between now and Fall Festival....

Last year, this outreach blessed 250 people, and we are expecting 250-300 folks again. AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Here is what is still needed for Trunk or Treat to work this year.

  1. REGISTRATION: This year, we will be giving away 5 Walmart gift cards worth $20 each! We need lots of help at the registration table. Smiling faces who can engage people as they fill out registration cards.
  2. Trunks ready for kids filled with games and candy! YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CHURCH. Sign up this Sunday so we can have a parking spot for you. Please include the theme of your trunk when you sign up.
  3. Kitchen help! This year, we will have our regular Life U meal for folks who are setting up and we will be serving the community hot dogs. We need folks to help serve, take tickets, and fellowship with people as they wait for food.
  4. Inflatable Help is needed to watch children who play on the obstical course and bounce houses. Use this time to interact with parents who are watching their kids play. Get to know them, and let them know how excited we are to have them at BBC.
  5. CANDY: We need candy and lots of it. With only 6 days left, our stock pile is a bit low, and last year, we ran out of candy before we ran out of kids! Bring your donations of candy to the Welcome Center at the church, and make sure you have enough candy in you trunk for 250-300 people.
If you have any questions about our Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat, please call the church office at 502-222-9165 or email Elizabeth Horne, Children's Minister,

Awana Parent's Night and Luau

We have our Awana Parent's Night Pictures ready for you to see! There are pictures from our photo booth and other awesome things that happened at our Luau.

Click on the link below to view the pictures!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"I"m a Christian Now!" Hang Out Date

In case you missed the handout for our class, here is a copy. The permission slip is required for your student to stay and participate in the movie and pizza.

The “I'm a Christian Now Class” is having an afternoon to "hang out" together. After church on Sunday, November 4, our class will meet together for Papa John's Pizza and the movie, How to Train Your Dragon! The youth group has graciously let us use their big screen in the youth center for our fellowship!

We wanted to get together and spend some time hanging out and getting to know each other better.

How to Train Your Dragon is rated PG for brief mild violence. If you have any concerns about this movie, please let me know.

Be sure to bring a comfy change of clothes to wear, and if you have a favorite drink, please bring it to share. The rest of the food and snacks will be provided by Mr. Caleb and Mrs. Elizabeth.

Children can be picked up at 3:00 pm. I'll have my cell phone with me if anyone needs to get in touch with the children at any time.

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth J. Horne,, or 502-222-9165.

Please fill out the form below and bring it on the day of our party.

I understand that my child will be watching How to Train Your Dragon, Rate PG, on November 4 at Ballardsville Baptist Church. I give permission for my child to watch this film, and stay at Ballardsville Baptist Church after church for Papa John’s Pizza and Popcorn. I also understand that my child will be supervised by Caleb and Elizabeth Horne.

Parent's Names:_______________________________________________                        

Emergency Contact Number:___________________________________________                                                                                                               



Dear Super Start Parents,

The final payment for SuperStart 2012 is due OCTOBER 28 2012. If you have not turned in all of your child's registration forms to Elizabeth, the MUST be turned in by this Sunday.

We need your help to feed our students for SuperStart. If you would like to donate to the lite supper for our students on November 9, please contact Elizabeth at as soon as possible. We will also be taking breakfast and snacks for the students for those late night cravings after session. If you would like to donate for us to purchase those munchies, please let Elizabeth know too.

At this year's SuperStart, your preteens will learn how to crack the love code and prepare for the mission of a lifetime by embarking on a journey through the SuperStart! Spy Academy. As they meet, follow, and interact with the crazy cast of our Spy Academy trainers, they'll not only learn to understand what it means to love others, but also that the keys to understanding HOW to love others is found in Jesus.

Super Start is November 9 & 10 in New Albany, IN. This fast paced preteen weekend is designed with your student in mind! From the worship to the teaching, this awesome weekend retreat is a great opportunity for your child to grow closer to the Lord!

The cost will cover all food, travel, and the conference ticket. The church will cover the cost of the hotel. We will meet at the church at 4:00 pm for an early supper on November 9 which will be provided. (If you would like to help with this supper, please let Elizabeth know!) And we will return home around 4:00 pm on November 10. There is a Super Start Store where items can be purchased. Each child is responsible for their own spending money. Most Super Start Items are $10 or less.

For “Plug ‘N’ Play,” we will be swimming at an indoor pool and eating pizza at Gatti’s. Please make sure your child brings a bathing suit, towel, and plastic bags for their wet clothes.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

ATTN PARENTS: Mission's Conference

BBC Mission Conference

October 28, 2012

On October 28, everyone is invited to the kick-off of our Mission's Conference. There will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL offered on this Sunday. Instead, you and your child will embark on an adventure as a family to explore all the mission outreaches and opportunities that is supported by the World Mission's Fund.
Please take your child with you to the Sanctuary at 9:45 am for our Mission's Conference.
We will provide Infant Nursery during this hour. However, ages 2 and up will be attending the conference with their parents.
Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone will meet during the 10:45 am service, and will have a mission's emphasis.


BBC Kids Leadership Training-October 21

Don't forget that we are having one last Leadership Training on October 21:
  • Sunday School Leaders
  • Discovery Club Leaders
  • Kid'z Zone Leaders

We will be rolling out our new service times for 3/3/13! Come and be a part of the discussion as we look to the future of our BBC Kids program for our expanding ministry as part of Ballardsville Baptist.
We will also be talking about Christmas 2012, the Mission's Conference, and Trunk or Treat!

Make sure you are here at 4:30 pm on Sunday, October 21!!!

"I'm A Christian Now!" Class Schedule Change

Dear “I’m a Christian Now!” Parents,

The first rule of ministry that I was taught is that ministry is constantly changing…Gotta be flexible. Who knew that when I put this course on the calendar in July that I would get a cold and miss class, the mission’s conference would fall in our time frame, and Caleb would be gone for 2 weeks?!

Due to that all that change, I’d like to extend our course, again, to December 2. I truly apologize for the topsy-turvy schedule this class has taken. I appreciate so much your understanding and support through this discipleship course!

Also, due to the changes in schedule, the children and I have not had a chance to discuss what we would like to do for our “hang time” on November 4. If you will be on the lookout in your email for what we will do, I will let you know as soon as the children and I discuss the plan…If you are not receiving the emails for our class, please email me at so I can add you to our email list.

NEXT WEEKEND, OCTOBER 28, is the BBC Mission’s Conference. There will be NO Sunday School that day so that all of our families may participate in the Mission’s Conference during the Sunday School hour. We will continue with class on November 4.

·         November 4: Church-What is it and why do we go?

·         November 11: Spending Time with God

·         November 18: What is Worship?

·         November 25: What can I give? The kids guide to Stewardship!

·         December 2: What is missions? Who are Southern Baptists? What do we believe?

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Thank you for being flexible with our schedule. I so enjoy teaching our students!

Elizabeth J. Horne
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Minister to Children
Numbers 6:24-26


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Awana Cubbies Club Preview for Fall 2013


Coming in the Fall of 2013-A new and exciting update to our Cubbies Club for 3 and 4 year old Awana Students.


Check out the New Cubbies Crew: 

The Cubbies Theme Song
The Key Verse-1 John 4:10
The A and C Verses-Romans 3:23 & Romans 5:8
Strong Parental Involvement
Paced Handbook Progression
Total Teaching Time
Blue Vests but with an upgrade

See Below for Some Very Exciting Changes to our Cubbies Curriculum!



We are so excited about these new changes to our Cubbies Club in the Fall of 2013!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Awana Picture Night-October 10, 2012

Cubbies 2012/2013
Cubbies 2012/2013


Sparks 2012/2013

Sparks 2012/2013

T&T 2012/2013
T&T 2012/2013


Matthew Accepted Christ last night!!!!!! God is so good!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Awana Parent's Night Luau-October 17, 2012

Dear Awana Parents,

On October 17, 2012, you are invited to our 2012/2013 Awana Parent’s Night!! This year, we are having a Luau at 5:00 pm during our Life U meal. As our first time guests, your family will eat for free! Please call the church office to let us know if you will be coming to our Luau!

Then, join us at 6:00 pm in Opening Ceremonies and see pictures of our Awana year. After opening, you’ll get a chance to meet our Awana Commander, Brian Stivers, and the Children’s Minister, Elizabeth Horne to hear about all exciting things that are happening in Awana and events at BBC.

Lastly, we invite you to join your clubbers in their classes. You can follow them to Bible story, handbook time, and every clubber would love to have their parents participate in game time! Our Game Directors are looking forward to sharing the Awana games with our parents!

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Horne at or call the church office at 502-222-9165.

In Christ,
The Awana Staff

Don’t forget there is no Awana on October 24 for Fall Break!


Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat 2012

This year, dress up and go trunk to trunk to get your candy at Ballardsville Baptist’s TRUNK OR TREAT and Fall Festival.


          WHO: ANYONE and EVERYONE!!!


     WHEN: October 31, 2012 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.


   WHERE: 4300 S. Hwy 53, Crestwood, KY 40014




For more information please contact Elizabeth Horne at Ballardsville Baptist Church-(502)-222-9165 or Email at


We need volunteers

to decorate trunks, supervise

inflatables and games,

 and pop popcorn!


  Sign up with the church office and bring

 in your donations of

candy and prizes today!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Discovery Club and Kid'z Zone Newsletter-October 2012

  • Leadership Training: On October 21 at 4:30 pm, we will have leadership training for all Sunday School, Discovery Club, and Kid’z Zone Leadership. We will be discussing how BBC kids will work with the new worship times especially with regards to Extended Session. So if you teach or assist in Discovery Club or Kid’z Zone, please make plans to attend this session.
  • Fall Break: October 24 there is NO AWANA due to Fall Break for Oldham County.
  • Mission’s Conference: On October 28, there will be no Sunday School. Instead, children will participate with their parents in the World Mission’s Conference.
  • Trunk or Treat: October 31 from 6:00-8:00 pm is our Trunk or Treat. We need lots and lots of candy so we don’t run out. Please donate candy for Trunk or Treat to the box in the Welcome Center. To register your trunk and its theme, please contact the church office.
  • HELP NEEDED:  God has been doing remarkable things through BBC Kids. We’ve grown so much that we need more help in Discovery Club Preschool Children’s Church and in Kid’z Zone Children’s Church.  Without enough volunteers, these thriving ministries will not be able to meet. Prayerfully consider how God would have you serve in our Extended Sessions

o   Discovery Club:  Discovery Club teachers are needed on a 2 month rotation. DC is currently using The Gospel Project Curriculum which includes videos, music, snack, and games. If you are interested in taking a rotation in Discovery Club, please let the church office know. DC is for preschool children only.

o   Kid’z Zone: It is hard to believe that Kid’z Zone has grown to almost 30 children! That is double the size it was 2 years ago when Caleb and I first came to BBC. I teach Kid’z Zone every week during the 10:45 am service. However, due to number of children, two teachers in the room are simply not enough. We are in need of at least a third teacher to help with the children. This would not require any teaching, but being available to take children to the restroom or help them with a game.

o   Substitutes: There are times when we have a need for last minute substitute teachers for both Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone. If you would be willing to be on call in case we need teachers, please email me at

We are so excited that your child joins us for Discovery Club and Kid’z Zone every week. Did you know that DC and KZ builds on what is taught in our Sunday School classes at 9:30? We expand on the principles and Bible Study as part of The Gospel Project! If you aren’t involved in a Sunday School class at 9:30, now is a great time to get your child into a small group! So why not join us for Sunday School at 9:30?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"I'm a Christian Now!" Discipleship Class

It is exciting when a child feels and accepts the invitation to follow Christ. Becoming a Christian is a decision that affects every decision. Given the importance of that decision, BBC Kids would like to invite your child to be a part of a discipleship process that will complement what you are currently doing to assist your child in growing in Christ. This study is entitled “I’m a Christian Now!”

This class will be a special 7-week study taught during the Sunday School hour at 9:30am. Our first session will be on October 7 and we will meet every Sunday Morning. Our study will conclude on November 25. Please makes sure your child comes with their Bible! We will meet in the FLC. Parent's please escort your child to the FLC, and the bus will bring them up for the 10:45 am serve. Please be on time. Children who are late will miss crucial portions of the class.

To give you a taste of what we will be discussing, the course schedule is listed below.

Week 1: Becoming A Christian
Week 2: Following Jesus' Example through Baptism and The Lord's Supper                               

Week 3: Church? What's That? And Why do we go?
Week 4: Spending Time With God
Week 5: What is Worship?
Week 6: What Can I Give? (Stewardship)
Week 7: What is Missions? Who are Southern Baptists & Why do we believe what we believe?

During this course, your child will receive several books. The first covers the first 4 weeks. of our study. They will also receive a First Steps book to help you, as a parent, answer some tough questions your kids may ask. At the end of the course, each student will receive a 90 devotional book based on the same curriculum we've been studying. This will allow you as a parent to continue the discipleship after we finish the course. We also encourage you to look into purchasing a devotional book for your child to continue their quiet time with.

Each student will also receive a memory box to decorate and fill with all the different items from our course. This is always a highlight of the course because many of the children love to customize their memory boxes.

On October  28, there is no Sunday School due to the Mission's Conference. Due to this, our course will now run through November 25!

On November 4, we will have a class "hang out" session. The class will vote on what we will do, and permission slips will be handed out. The cost of this "hang out" time should be no more than $10.

If you have any questions, please see Elizabeth Horne, Children's Minister.

Lifeway's Kids Day

On October 13, 2012, Lifeway Christian Stores will be having a Kids Day from 11 am-1pm. There will be breat specials, give-a-ways, and discount prices on items for your kiddos.

Might be a great family outing!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Big Picture Cards

Dear Parents,

After weeks of being on back order, the BIG PICTURE CARDS have finally arrived. Every quarter, your family will receive a set of these awesome cards to last them for 3 months! On the front, there is a picture of what your child has been studying for the week. On the back, there is our Bible Passage, Big Picture Question, Theme Verse, and Christ Connection. We encourage you as parents to take an active role in your child’s spiritual development by using these cards to spur discussion on what they are being taught on Sundays. Put these cards in the car, on the dinner table, by your child’s bed, or where you have your family devotional time. We are so excited about everything that God is doing at Ballardsville through our Children’s Ministry.

If you have any questions about the BIG PICTURE CARDS, please see Elizabeth Horne, Children’s Minister, or email

The Gospel Project: Job

 Dear Parent(s) or Guardian(s),  

This week in The Gospel Project for Kids, we heard the story of Job! It might seem strange to present the story of Job this early in the chronology of Scripture, but most biblical authorities believe, based on subject matter and language, that Job was a contemporary of the patriarchs. Job fits chronologically into this period of history.

The story of Job helps Christians see that God alone is all-powerful, sovereign, and good. Job’s story is one all people can relate to, as everyone will suffer in his or her lifetime. God’s dialogue with Job reveals His characteristics clearly.


Throughout all of Job’s suffering, Job never stopped trusting God. Listen to Job’s response to God’s questions: “I am so insignificant. How can I answer You?” (Job 40:4) Job didn’t understand his suffering, but he understood who God is.

While the Book of Job speaks volumes to the problem of human suffering, it is also an important picture of how a suffering person should relate to God. Though Job sometimes doubted God, he never turned away. Job’s suffering actually brought him closer to God.

Kids discovered the true Suffering Servant, Jesus, who was truly innocent. He suffered greatly so that we could be brought closer to God in our suffering. The Bible says Christians will suffer in their lifetimes, and Job reminds us that following Jesus is worth it. God is all-powerful, sovereign, and good. We can trust Him when we don’t understand the pain we experience. At the cross, God used the ultimate pain to bring about the ultimate good: our future and final salvation from sin.

Elizabeth J Horne
Minister to Children
Ballardsville Baptist Church
4300 S. Hwy 53
Crestwood, KY 40014