Thursday, April 2, 2015

“All About those Egg, ‘Bout those Eggs, Where’s Jesus?”*

“All About those Egg, ‘Bout those Eggs, Where’s Jesus?”*

If you’ve been around BBC Kids the last month, you might have noticed The Great Egg Race 2015 has been in full swing.

We’ve sent home flyers, bombarded social media, and even offered ice cream to collect our over 3,000 filled Easter Eggs.

Why so many eggs? Because at 3,000 plus eggs, there is a near negative chance of any child going home with little or nothing. And as a mom and minister, I can only imagine that frustrated car ride on Easter Sunday with an upset child.

As a CM, I talk to other CMs who face the Easter Season just like I do. There is a great debate about egg hunts in my circle of CM friends. Do we bow to social convention and hunt eggs on Jesus’ day? Do we use this opportunity to reach new families? Do we ignore it all and forbid eggs?

I won’t solve the debate.

But we’re having an egg hunt.

But as I sat in our Connect room surrounded by nearly 3,500 plastic eggs with the faint smell of chocolate in the air, dividing them into categories of 500-600 eggs, I began thinking about Easter Sunday.

Easter is our Super Bowl. People will pack the house. Dressed in their Easter best that mom made them wear, ties, stockings, new shoes from Payless, and 2 billion pictures for the grandparents later, they will come rolling in…Many haven’t been here since Christmas.

I will see so many new faces. Bright smiles and timid children behind mom’s new skirt because myself and my staff are quite possibly brand new to them. Sunday School will be new. Discovery Club will be new. KidZ’ Zone will be new.

The story will be new.

You see we are having an egg hunt. But it could possibly be a soggy mess outside. We could just hand out eggs.

But I really don’t care about eggs…300 or 3,000 or none at all.

But as the Children’s Minister of Ballardsville Baptist Church, here is what I can promise…

I can promise that before the baskets, candy, eggs, racing, running, and candy…Did I say candy? Before all of that, your child will experience Easter.

No rabbits. No eggs. No candy…

Real Easter.

The Easter that screams Satan lost the battle. The Easter that says sin is ugly and dirty. The cross was horrific. The Savior was perfect. The Resurrection is real.

We won’t shy away from the crucifixion. We don’t sugarcoat the Gospel. Christ died on a cross. But He is alive and He wants a relationship with you. The heart of the Gospel, the heart of Easter, the Salvation of the Sinner, and we are gonna teach it in every class, to every age, EVERY HOUR!

Ø Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this way; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

My child is one. He doesn’t understand half of what I’m saying yet, but he loves it when his daddy pulls out The Gospel Project Devotion book and reads every night. We are reading about Holy Week. We will read about the death, burial, and resurrection.

I’ve heard people say we shouldn’t teach Easter to our children. Death is scary. Crucifixion is horrific. And it is, but we shouldn’t shy away from teaching it. How we present Easter to our children will be guarded with age-appropriate teaching, but thoroughly vetted with Biblical truth.  But we will teach it… but the story doesn’t end at death.

It doesn’t end at all.

Jesus is alive. He conquered death. And He is living NOW.

So what will they have this Sunday?

They will probably have eggs…But before the madness of candy rush, our kids from the smallest to oldest will hear their BBC Kids teachers proclaim the Gospel. Seeds will be planted. Growth with happen. We are praying for softened hearts, open minds, receptive listeners, and great harvest.

We’re praying for you. We’re praying for your children. We’re praying for the Harvest of ready hearts. We’re praying for a mighty move of God.

And on Sunday, from every room, in every service, at every hour, we will teach The Gospel of the Savior’s sacrifice and resurrection to your children.

Because that is Easter. That is why we have BBC Kids. And that is what we love to do.

Where is your focus this Easter? Are you worried about Easter baskets or Sunday Morning clothes?

The Savior loves you. Come as you are. He is waiting for you.

Mrs. Elizabeth Horne
Children’s Minister
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Numbers 6:24-26

*We are not affiliated or affirming of any secular song connected with these phrases in parody.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

CentriKid and Crossings Spaghetti Fundraiser

Join us for Lunch on March 15!

The CentriKid and Crossings Campers are raising money to pay for camp. At 12:15 on Sunday, March 15, we will serve a delicious meal and accept donations toward camp. Every dollar donated goes to a camper!

The meal menu includes:
Option of: Spaghetti and Meatballs 
Butter and Parmesan Cheese Noodles 
Garlic Bread

In conjunction with the fundraiser, there will be no KidZ’ Zone on March 15.

The Great Egg Race 2015

BBC Kids invites you to participate in the Third Annual Great Egg Race. Classes will compete against each other to see who can bring in the most FILLED Easter Eggs!

When you bring in your eggs, you can bring them to your Awana Club, Sunday School, or the Welcome Center. So be sure to count them before you bring them! (Only eggs that are filled and labeled will count towards the class totals!)
Easter 2014

The group that brings in the most eggs will be recognized with an ice cream party! So fill and count those eggs for BBC’s GREAT EGG RACE!

The final day to turn in Easter Eggs for the Great Egg Race is April 1!

And be sure to mark your calendar for our FREE Easter Egg Hunt, April 5, after church!

Contact Elizabeth Horne, Children’s Minister, if you have any questions at

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fall Festival Needs 2014

Table Designs and Leaders:

We still need people to sign up to decorate a table and hand out candy. You provide your own theme and candy! 

The Following Themes are Already being done: (Reminder: NO SCARY/DEMONIC DECORATIONS!!)
  1. Fall
  2. Wizard of Oz
  3. Awana
  4. Farm
  5. Let your Light Shine
  6. Twister the Game
  7. Cowboys
  8. Friend Day
  9. David and Goliath
  10. Face Painting 
  11. Fruit of the Spirit
Please sign up to have a table as soon as possible with Elizabeth Horne, or 502-222-9165

Games Supervisors: Candy is supplied for games. People are needed to supervise games
  • Basketball Game
  • Ring Toss
  • Corn Hole -2 people needed
  • Golf Game
Popcorn-Someone is needed to work the popcorn machine and distribute popcorn throughout the night.

Inflatable Supervision- At least 4 people are needed to supervise inflatables! 

Photo Booth: Need your own camera to take pictures to be placed online. Contact Elizabeth for more information! 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Ideas for the 2014 BBC Fall Festival

Are you needing some awesome ideas one what to do for Fall Festival at BBC this year? Due to weather, our "Trunk or Treat" has become a "Table or Treat." But all you have to do is take these ideas and add them to your table! 

Tape Candy to a Twister Game and have the kids spin for their treat!
What about a Peanuts Fall Festival Table?
How about a Candy Land Theme Table? What could be sweeter?

How about the Armor of God for your table? You can even borrow the pieces from Mrs. Elizabeth!

See if you can borrow some of our Veggie Tales Characters and create a Very Veggie Table! 
How about "Jesus is our Lifesaver?" And hand out Lifesaver Candy?

Christmas in October? 
You know you have sports stuff all over! Why not bring it in and have the kids shoot a basket for their candy? We will even provide you with the goal and ball!

There are

There are so many ways you can make your table the talk of Fall Festival. Consider including a game for the kids to play as they pass. (Don't forget, NO SCARY, DEMONIC, OR CREEPY DECOR.)

Not sure you want to do a Table this year? 

No problem:

We need:
Inflatable Supervisors
Registration Leaders
Candy Donations

Want some help coming up with your Fall Festival Table idea? See Elizabeth Horne, Children's Minister!


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bring in your candy to Awana!

Bring in your candy to your Awana Club!

Cubbies, Sparks, and T&T are all competing to see who can bring in the most candy by October 15. 
The winning club will get a sweet treat!

So bring in your candy or drop them off in the Welcome Center. Be sure to mark which club your candy should go to! 

Contact Elizabeth Horne, Children's Minister, for more information at 502-222-9165 or

And don't forget our Fall Festival is October 26 at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fall Festival Candy Competition

The annual BBC Fall Festival is coming up on
October 26.

Our Awana Clubs will be competing to see who can bring in the most candy by October 15!

Bring your bags of candy to your club leaders! The club with the most candy will get a special treat!

Let the Fall Festival Candy Competition Begin!

Contact Elizabeth Horne for more information at or 502-222-9165.